The girl that you love (ABUSE WARNING)

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"Sarah," He whispered.

"I will repeat myself, what the hell do you think you're doing with my husband?!" She took a few steps toward me, shooting me a death glare.

"We're done Sarah! You left me! You cheated on me with my best friend and I'm done with it!" He yelled, stepping towards her and releasing his arms from me. I felt cold where his arms were laying before.

"Oh, so immediately after you leave me, you start getting with our dog sitter?!" You can almost see the steam coming from her ears.

Brendon takes a few steps forward, almost fuming as well, but stops. He turns around to look at me, with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Y/N, can you go upstairs please? I don't want you to worry, I just don't want you to get into something that you had nothing to do with," He smiles a gentle smile, and I nodded and started walking towards the stairs.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" Sarah yells.

"Sarah!" I turned around as I see Brendon falling to the ground, holding his face and raging. She comes up to me and punches me in the face. I fall to the ground, my cheek burning with pain.

She gets on top of me and hits me again. And again. And again. Before she can hit me one more time, Brendon's hands are on her shoulders, pulling her off of me, slightly slamming her onto the ground.

"You need to leave."

"In your dreams."

I don't know how, but I get this burst of adrenaline, and I stand up. She doesn't see me just yet, but I walk over to her, slowly and kind of wobbly, and I whisper her name when I get close enough.


She turns around and I punch her in the face with what strength I have left. I fall to my knees, Brendon following me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, placing his other hand on my hand. He's saying something, but I can't hear him. I hear mumbles. He takes his hand off of mine and cups my jaw, turning my eyes to him. Everything is clear now, I can hear him.

"Y/N, are you-"

"You have such beautiful eyes Brendon.." I whisper sleepily.

"Y/N, focus on me, focus please-"

"I love you B.." My eyes roll back into my head, the pain is so bad, I can't even feel myself blink, or my mouth move.

"Y/N no no no stay with me please, please come on you're strong please.."

He turns to Sarah.

"Get the hell out of my house...and get the HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!" He starts sobbing.

She stands up and almost runs out of the house, turning on her car and driving away.

He looks at me and starts crying even harder. I reach my hand up, shaking, but enough to place my hand on his cheek, and to wipe away his tears with my thumb. He gives a weak smile and I do the same. He grabs my hand and kisses the palm of it, holding it on his cheek. My hand starts slipping away, the world starts going dark and faded.

"No no no come on please.."

He pulls out his phone and types in three numbers.

"Yes yes I need an ambulance right girlfriend got beaten up my ex stormed in and...oh god please stay with me Y/N...I live at (address)...thank you ok..."

My head is laying in his lap, as he holds my hand tightly, but gently.

It's peaceful. It's quiet. But I can still feel his tears falling onto me as he pulls me closer, his arms wrapped around my back onto my sides, putting his head in the crook of my neck, as the ambulance arrives. I feel his arms being separated from me, as I get placed onto a gurney. They put me into the ambulance, Brendon hopping in behind them. He's holding my hand again, almost like he never let go. He kisses the back of it for a few seconds, resting his forehead on it.

"Please, please I need you Y/N...I can't lose you...I love you.."

The world fades to black, as his words echo in my head.

I can't lose you...I love you...

Hey guys!
I am so so so so so sorry for the wait! My dad finally unrestricted Wattpad and now I can update way more often! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I wanted to do a pretty damn good one since I haven't updated in a couple of months. Love you all!

~don't let them take you out of the clouds~

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