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You could sit here and claim that your life flashed before your very eyes. That in your mind you could picture the earliest memory from childhood and up to the point you fell into the street to become the pavement's new coat of paint. That you would look back and think 'I did something with my life', or 'I wish I could have done so and so'. But that's not what happened. You didn't think of your accomplishments, your friends, your family, not even Zoro. You didn't even have a revelation about some meaningful question that had plagued you for the longest time.

No, the thought that had popped into your head at that very moment was that your mother would be disappointed you hadn't gotten married yet.

Weird right? For one, what the fuck? Two, you were way too young and amazing to get married right now, so she could just shove it. But knowing your mother, she would just shake her head at your funeral and tsk at your coffin while dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

"This wouldn't have happened if she had gotten married to that doctor I introduced her to."

She would totally do that too. How your life would have been comfortable and safe in some condo in Hawaii while your husband went off saving lives. All the while you would audition for some reality TV show about tanned housewives who had no skills and needed something to do while their husbands ignored them. And your mother? She would totally tune into every episode and send you emails about your hair, clothes, and nails and give you tips on how to look better for TV.

Let's just say you and your mother had a weird relationship and now you weren't sure if you liked where you stood with her at that moment. Y'know, because you were about to die.

You closed your eyes tight, wondering if you should loosen yourself up to minimize damage or just wait for the bright light that was waiting for you.

Your body jerked suddenly and at first you thought the car had finally hit you, but then concluded cars don't have hands. Strong hands that tried to tug you gently off the ground but weren't succeeding. Opening your eyes, you stared right into a single red eye flashing in concern at you. 

Zoro had come.

You were relieved, until you realized the car was coming at you both now.


He didn't say anything as he turned his head at the swerving car, it's side drifting easily on the snowy ground as the tail end slid right at you both. He glared and put out a single hand, palm flat while he wrapped his other arm around your shoulders and shielded your body with his own. The wolf had realized quickly that you couldn't get up so he was going to take the brunt end of the impact. You didn't want him to get hurt, but you didn't have much of a choice since it was all happening so fast. You could only dig your fingers into his chest and watch with wide eyes as the automobile finally closed in.

But instead of barreling you both down, you witnessed the back end of the car stop as soon as it hit Zoro's hand. The car tilted slightly from the sudden stop in force, it's tires on the other side lifting off the ground for just a moment before slamming back down onto the pavement. The wolf's arm didn't even twitch, it stayed perfectly still right up until the car was finally immobile then he lowered it to check on you; trailing his fingers over your cheeks and forehead for any injuries despite successfully stopping a 3,000 pound machine.

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now