Chapter Fourteen

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"Goodnight (y/n), I love you."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.


I opened my eyes and remembered that I was at Karma's house. Sighing, I tried to get out of bed, but to no avail.

"What the-" I looked over my shoulder to see Karma. He was hugging my waist. A smirk made it's way onto my face. "Hehe." Time for revenge. All those pranks he's pulled on me. It was my chance, I was finally going to get back at the great Karma Akabane.

I could barely reach my phone from where I was, but in the end,(Anybody get the reference) I got it. Opening it up to the camera, I took a few photos of him. AWW!!!!! SO KAWAII!!!! After a couple of pictures I decided to take a selfie with him. I stuck out my arm and leaned in.

Just as I clicked the button to take the picture, Karma woke up and had the bright idea to photobomb it. He moved in and pecked my cheek. I sat there dumbfounded. Did he just....Kiss me? These confusing thoughts rushed through my head like ocean waves during high tide.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up."

"Aww.....Come on. It was just a little kiss."

"Leave me alone."

"Are you blushing?"

"Just!" I started loudly. "Stop." My voice cracked as I continued the sentence.

"Karma?" I whispered.


"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kiss me."

"Oh...Um....I'm not sure." He shrugged. I sighed at his response. "I guess..." He continued. "I've kinda had a crush on you for a while." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

Did he just confess?!?!?!


Whelp...There's chapter fourteen. It's short.....Like always, But I still did it. I'm trying to get this to exactly 300 words. So I'm typing nonsense.

Mine {Karma Akabane x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now