Chapter Eighteen

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He places the clothes in my grasp and I walk into the bathroom to change.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

A few minutes later I walk out of the bathroom with a frown. "Karma!" I call. He walks into the room with a smirk. "Heh. That looks good on you, (y/n)." I clench my fists.
"What are you trying to do, you Pervert."
He fakes a gasp. "Whatever do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean, mister."
He smirks.
"Ugh! You're so ANNOYING, you know that?"
I storm out of the room and down the stairs. It's really showy, but it'll have to do for now. I open the front door and exit the house, wincing as the cold air met my wounds. Whelp, it's now or never.


A few minutes pass before I arrive at my living quarters. I enter to find my parents standing in the doorWAY (puns) with their suitcases.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?"

"Oh! (Y/n)! We've been looking everywhere for you! You had us worried sick!"

I mentally roll my eyes. Yeah right.

"Um.....What's with the suitcases?"

"Oh! That's why we were looking for you."


"We're going on vacation!!!"



I did it!

For u guys!


5 days until my 12th birthday!

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