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"Uhmm... I guess you must be Margot."

Margot quickly stand up from her seat and nodded.

"Uhmm, Yes... you must be Mrs. Richards' nephew.. right?" The girl asked to the handsome shaded man.

"Ah yes, you're right. she asked me for something to pick up. She said its a portrait."

"Yeah, it's actually right here." The blonde pointed to the portrait that was covered with a brown paper placed in front of her seat.

"Oh I see, but first can we uhmm.. sit down first?" The handsome shaded man with a plaid shirt said.

Margot stared at the man and quickly realized that they were still standing up from their places.

"Oh yeah, sure!" She responded quickly to the man, As they both seated down to their seats.

"I haven't introduce to you myself." He said with a slight chuckle.

"I'm Shannon by the way." He said. His hazel brown eyes meeted her blue eyes as soon as he took his shades off.

Shannon extends his arm to margot as they both shake their hands.

"Well, it's nice to meet you shannon." Margot replied with a smile.

"So have you eaten or something?"

"Uhmm no, I haven't. maybe I'll just eat at home after here." She smiled.

"Is that so, I could treat you with something then." Shannon responded.

"Ahm no! It's fine."

"No, I'll treat ya, I'm pretty sure you've waited here for so long." He said as he cutted her out.

Margot just stared at him. She sighed.

It's food anyway, and he's the one paying so...

Margot thought for it for a second before agreeing.

"Well if you are that persistent, then I won't argue with you anymore."

Shannon smiled for her response.

"So what do you want?" He asked.

"Maybe just one order of frappe and one slice of blueberry cheesecake."

"Wow. You have got the same taste to someone I know." Shannon said to margot.

"Who?" Margot asked.

"My brother." He responded to the young blonde girl.

So he has a brother. Bet he's pretty good looking too. Margot stupidly smiled to herself.  She got only snapped out from her thoughts by shannon who is actually snapping his fingers right on her face.

"Sorry." She said with a slight chuckle.

"No, it's okay. So I'll just get our orders. I'll be back."

"Okay. Thank you!" She said.

After a few moments. Shannon got back where his and Margot's seats are, together with the foods he ordered.

"Here ya go." He said putting down the foods he oredered for him and for margot, who just simply staring outside admiring the beautiful scenery of trees.

"Thank you again for this." She said as she took a sip on her drink.

"Nah, not a problem." He said to her.

They had a few talks about some personal things like their habits and what they do for a living. Margot founds out that Shannon owns a coffee shop, and Shannon founded out that Margot is a photographer.

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