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Jared's POV.

I woke up at the loud ringing of my Phone. I Picked it up and answered it. Not even opening my eyes or knowing who it was.

"Hello....?"  I say in my raspy morning voice.

"Rise and shine sleepy head."  The person said on the other line. From the looks of it.
It must be shannon.

"Ugh. What do you want Shannon?" I groaned at him in the other line.

"Really bro? It's like 10:30 am and you still had your ass down in your bed?"

Wait, what?
I quickly opened my eyes and look for my clock at my bedside table.

And yep he's right. The clock has its arrow settled on 10:30.

"Oh shit...." I whispered to myself. And hear shannon on the other line laughing.

"What did you do yesterday huh? Oh know, don't tell me.." i could picture him placing his left free hand on his mouth and with his eyes wide open like he's shocked.

I knitted my eyebrows pretty much confused on what he just said. Before he could say anything I cut him off.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but whatever it is. IT'S NOT." I Slightly shouted at him on the last part.

I could hear him laughing his ass off in the other line.

"Okay, okay. Jeez. Just come here at the shop, okay. I need some help." He said

"Okay, see you later. " then I hang up.

I get up from my bed and stretch my arms out. Then walk into my bathroom.

I stood infront of the mirror and turn the faucet on and form my hand into a cupped and splash the water into my face as soon as it starts to pour into my hands.

I glance at myself at the mirror blankly.

I look at my eyes and saw something on it and wipe it off with my thumb. I then touched my cheeks and feel my beard.

It grew longer to the fact that I haven't shaved for almost 2 or 3 months? And now I kinda looked like an old man.

An idea pop out in my head and suddenly I look for my shave and a facial cream.

"I should shave." I said to myself as I place some facial cream on part of ny cheeks where my beard was and shave it off carefully.

As I finished I look myself again at the mirror and examine myself. I should say that I got pretty much younger when I clean shaved my face.

It's not that I'm proud of my own looks, but it's the truth. And I'm thanking my mother for giving me such a good genes.

I smirk to myself then head to the shower. After that I got out of the bathroom and stood in front of my closet.

I pull out some boxers and white t-shirt and a jeans. I closed the closet door and put all the clothes into my body.

After getting dressed, I stepped outside of my room, grab my car keys and shut the door behind me, Leaving my house.

A couple of minutes have passed and I got into my brother's Coffee shop. I got out of my car and quickly took a few steps into the shop.

The warm aroma of brewed coffee quickly hitted my nose as I walk in into the glass door. I quickly looked for Shannon and instanly I saw him and he sees me too.

"Baby brother!" He shouted as he comes closer at me giving me a tight bear hug.

I hugged him back with an expression like "really bro?"

I patted his back lightly as I saw people at his coffee shop looking at us. He quickly pulled back and looked at me and to the people.

"Sorry guys! I just missed him. My brother by the way." He shouted.

Some people nodded and some of them stared like they don't care.

I slightly shake my head from this embarrassment and turn to look at Shannon. He looks at me with an expression like "what?".

"Did you really have to do that?" I asked him.

"Why? I just missed you. I haven't seen you all day yesterday." He said.

"Oh yeah, whatever. What's the problem by the way? Why did you need help?" I asked him as I go to the counter making myself a coffee.

"Well, there's nothing really a problem. I just want to ask some advice because I kinda want to change the paint of the walls here at my shop. What do you think would be best color?" He said to me.

"Well what do you have in your mind?" I asked him as we search for a vacant seats.

We seated down and I took a sip of coffee.

"I'm thinking of something black and white." He said.

"Well that's enough. It'll be good color. Since your shop named Black Fuel."  I said to him.

"Okay bro. Can you buy the wall paints later so maybe after we closed the shop we can paint it."

"Yeah sure." That's all I said to him as I take another sip of my coffee.

I looked outside of the shop and see the beautiful trees, the Bright sun, and the blue skies.

"What happened to you yesterday huh? I heard that you brought some hot chick here huh." Shannon said to me which turn my attention back to him.

I smirked at him as I remember her again. I opened my mouth and speak.

"Indeed she is." That's all I said to him and took a final sip of my coffee.

"I met her at the club yesterday. We bumped at each other then she sais sorry to me for being dumb and ask if she can do something for me." I said to him.

"And what did you say?" He said to me with full of interest.

"I said yeah and took her here at your shop. She says your Coffees are great."

"Well thanks for introducing my coffee to random person, brother." He said.

"You're welcome." I said at him with full smile.

"I'm gonna go buy wall paints." I said to him as I stand up from our seats.

Shannon nodded and I patted his back and walk out of the shop.

After an half of hour I got back and handed him the paints.

"Hey is it okay if I leave now? I just gonna go somewhere else." I asked shannon.

"Gonna go that Hot Chick again?"

I paused. I really didn't know what I will do this morning and since it's sunday. He just gave me an idea to spent my day nicely.

"Thanks for giving me a to-do list on this boring day brother." I smirked.

"You're welcome Jay." He said to me.

As I turn my back at him and he throws some crumpled papers at me. I turn my back to look at him.

He opened his mouth and speak.

"It's Good to see you like that again." He said which made me smile and wave my hands at him.

I run back to my car and see  my DSLR camera with me at the back seat of my car.

I took a deep breath and realized that he was right. I've been a lonely man for almost a year. And it's been a long time since I ever been happy.

An idea pop out of my head and I start the engine of my car.

A smile was now plastered in my face as I look outside of my car.

I'm going to find her.

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