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{Third person's POV}

Jared got home to his place after that event. He got in to his house, hanging his car keys on the hook beside the door, and slammed on his couch.

He took a deep sigh and stared at his home blankly. His phone suddenly rings and he picked it up. Revealing his brother on the caller ID.

He pressed the green icon and swiped it, placing it on his right ear.

"Hey Shan..."

"Hey.... You sounded a bit off. What happened brother?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired." He lied.

"HA. Don't even try to lie to me you little squirt. I know you. You can't be just tired for no reason."

Jared paused. He truly is his brother. He can't hide a single thing on him.

"You knew me too well aren't ya?" He asked him.

"Ofcourse,  I'm your brother. I know you more than anyone knows you."  His brother said. Making Jared smirk slightly.

"Yeah, your right."

"So what happened? Would you mind to tell me." Shannon asked.

"Ofcourse." He said.

"Spill it then. Did you find her?"

"Yeah, i do. But a taxi came by and I lost her."

"Ohhh... that sucks."

"Yep... Totally."

"Atleast you got too see her again, it's a good thing though."

Jared paused and sighed deeply.
He could hear Shannon took a deep breath as well.

"Are you worried?"

Jared didn't say anything and just start to play on his fingers.

"Jared? Still there?"

"Yup, still here."

"There's still many possible chances to see your damsel in distress again brother."

"But what if there isn't more any chance, Shannon? What if I don't get to see her again?"

"Oh c'mon Jay. Be optimistic. Just look at the brighter things!" He said in a cheerful tone.

Jared thought for it on a second. His brother was right. There's still many possible chances to see Margot again. And today is just one of it.

Jared smiled and opened his mouth to speak.

"Thanks for cheering me up brother. It really helps a lot."

"Noooo. Problem. You owe me a work here at the shop. Remember, we have to paiinnnt."  Shannon said sounded like a child.

"I would love to, but I'm afraid I can't." Jared said to his brother on the other line.

"Why? Did something happened?" Shannon asked Jared with a hint of worry on his voice.

"Actually, yeah. I bumped hard into some random dude earlier." He said.

"You little..." Shannon muttered.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you be more careful on yourself Jared? Mom's gonna kill me if something bad happened to you." Shannon said with his tone slightly raised.

"Okay, I'm Sorry! It's just that I tried to run onto her after she got in to the taxi." He explained at him.

"I know that you're after your Cinderella but you also need to be careful, Prince Charming."

"Yes MOM, like I what I've said earlier. I just got panicked and run onto her. He explained to him.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright, alright... you little lovesick."

"Shut up!" Jared shouted.

Shannon just let out a laugh and Jared on the other hand just rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'll hang up now. Now go and get some rest. Bye."

"Bye." That's all he said and take his phone inside of his pocket.

He got up on his couch and got to his bedroom and showered. Changed into some clean clothes then got to his desk where he placed his camera on. He took off the memory card and place it on his Laptop.

He scanned all his newly captured photos and went to his last shot.

A shot of the cars passing by and the very beautiful blonde woman standing across the other road.

He zoomed in the picture and stared at it. Placing his fingertips on her face in his laptop screen. As if she was really there infront of him.

Jared sighed once again. As he brings himself to smile halfly.

"I wish i could see you again." He whispered to himself.

"So that I can proudly introduce my self to you. Without any fear." He continued.

With that, Jared made the only picture of her he had on him his Laptop's Wallpaper.

He copied one picture of it and place it on his phone. Making it as his wallpaper as well.

He got into his bed and pull up the covers and bring his phone in his hands.

He opened it and it immediately reveiled the picture of Margot on his screen lock.

Jared smiled and suddenly felt his eyes slowly shutting down and the last thing he saw was Margot.

And the rest was all black.




So I just want to let you know that the words under on the italics are the other person talking on the phone, and/or It will also be appeared as the person's own thoughts. Depends on the situation. Hehe.

So let me know how you liking the story so far. Do I need to continue it. Or just stop?

If you do so like it, kindly vote for it sweets.

Adios. xoxofunpoison

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