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Margot's POV

December 31, 2016


Staring up from the dark sky of the night, and a root beer in my hands. I am now Currently enjoying the last cold breeze of 2016 in just a few minutes.

The crashing sounds of the waves from the beach soothes my mood.

Pulling out my phone, I checked the time.

11:45 pm


15 more minutes until 2017 kicks in. I sighed and suddenly I felt someone sat beside me,

And it was Ethan.

"Hey Marg" He said while he dusted off his hands from the white sands of the beach.

"Hey there pal." I said to him as I smiled halfly.

"How's it goin?" He asked.

"Hmm.. great. It's good to be back." I hummed.

"That's good to know."

Silence conquered the atmosphere between us and I decided to break it off by offering him a can of root beer in my hands in which he replied "sure".

I turned my sight to my left and notice two empty cans of root beer, realizing that I chugged it all by myself.

"Sorry." I said embarrassed.

Ethan looked at me with his green eyes and chuckle. "You're drunk aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. It's just root beer!"

"Okay! Don't be mad!" He said laughing.

"I am not! I'm just gonna get you one okay? Be back for a sec!" I yelled and went inside our house.

I got inside the kitchen from the back door and went straight to the fridge, grabbing 5 more cans. 3 for Ethan and 2 last more for me.

As I stepped to go outside, my mom yelled at me making me stop on my tracks.

"Honey, there's someone on the phone!"

Walking towards her in the living room, I asked her. "Who is it?"

"She says that she's Cara."


I nodded and took the phone from her hands. "I'll be with your father and your brother outside, call me if you need anything okay?"

I smiled and nod my head, "sure mom."


"Happy new year!" Cara says happily to me through the other line.

"Hey, Happy New Year! How are you and Karen?"

"We're good, well except for our little Karen, she have a cold."

"Oh really? What happened?"

"Oh you know, we played snow ball fighting on the christmas morning and I won over her by throwing her multiple times of snow balls!" She says cheerfully like a child.

I shaked my head as I imagined it. Poor Karen.

"You're such an ass."

"Nope I'm not. I am a very good girl to be honest." She says.

"Hmm. Yeah, to be honest." I hummed sarcastically.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"I know." I said smirking.

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