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{ third person's POV }

Saturday. December 17, 2016

"Finally, it's Christmas break!"

Cara shouted as they got into their lockers.

"Yeah, I know right. Thank God!" Karen exclaimed as she slams her locker shut.

"You guys have anything planned on Christmas?" Cara asked her two lovely friends as she leaned her back on her locker door.

Karen looked at Cara and shrugged, "Well, I've got a call from my mom saying that they will fly up here in LA and stay in my place for christmas until new year."

"That's good. My family will stay here with me aswell in my place." Cara replied.

"How about you Margot?" Karen suddenly asked her, leaning aswell on her locker door.

"Me?" Margot peeked half of her face where her blue eyes was the only visible to her two friends due to her still fixing her stuff in her locker.

"Hmmm. Well I'm planning to go back to Australia and spend my Christmas and New year's eve there..."

She paused as she finally fixed her things up and pick up the things that she needed with her. "Why'd you ask by the way?"

Cara cocked her head and sighed lightly. "Nothing, I just wanted to Know. I guess we wont be seeing each other for this Christmas..."

"...And New Year." Karen said.

"Yeah, I guess that's how it will goes." Margot replied at them.

The blonde took a deep breath and sighed through her nose,"Shall we go now?"

"Yeah, let's go." Karen said and they begun walking.


The three young ladies decided to stay in Margot place for awhile. Due to Cara's request to hang out before Margot leaves.

They were now in Margot's couch, watching The Notebook.

They were so immersed on the movie to the fact that they were crying like an infant.

After the movie ended, Cara and Karen got up and went to Margot's room. While Margot was left on the living room, cleaning up the trash that the two left.

'Ugh, those two really...' Margot thought.

After she's done, she followed her two friends on her bedroom and saw the both of them laying in her bed.

Letting out a deep sigh because of the sight that she was seeing.

Her bag that she used for school was open and her things was all scattered to her bed, down to her floor.


Karen is reading the notes that Margot written down from their class. Whilst Cara was checking at her phone.

Cara grunted and throws the phone that she owes and landed on Margot's pillow. Scanning around her, she immediately spotted Margot's sketchpad.

Margot watched Cara as she flips the page to another and scanned through her quick sketches.

Cara stopped into one page, and smirk. And by that, Margot seemed to know what Cara was staring at.

'Oh no...'

She suddenly swifted off to Cara and tried to snatch back her sketchpad from her.

"Karen, get her!" Cara shouted as she extended her arm away from Margot.

Karen did what she was told and back hugged Margot very tightly.
Margot couldn't fight Karen's strenght and gave up.

The young blonde felt crying from the inside because of pure embarrassment.

"Noooo, give it back to me!" She shouted at Cara.

"You did a good job on it actually! Why are you so embarrassed?" She said teasing her.

Why was she so embarrassed?

Well, because they haven't seen this side of Margot before. Like ever.

Margot tried to free herself from Karen but eventually she failed.

Cara once again glanced at Margot's sketchpad and smiled evily.

"See? It really looked like him!" She said flashing Margot's sketchpad to them.

Karen squealed and loosen her grip from Margot and snatched the pad from Cara's hand.

"Oh my God M, you drew him very well." Karen said joining Cara on teasing.

Margot couldn't do anything but to place both of her hands on to her face.

Hiding her now face in the shade of crimson.

Karen and Cara do the high five as they saw Margot blushing.

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed for, We are your friends!" Cara exclaimed as she crawl her way into Margot and sat beside her, putting her arm around her.

"Yeah, and it's cute to see you like this. Like finally, Our little Maggot is having a crush!" Karen said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I thought of you for being a lesbian for a second I get to know you, but then you proved me wrong." Cara says while slightly chuckling.

Margot looked at Cara and burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, you thought of me like that?"

"Yeah!" Cara admits while still chuckling.

"Me too!" Karen then said to the young blonde.

Margot just shaked her head from the thought of it.

She couldn't blame them, she never really paid any attention or interest in the guys on their school.

Sure thing there are some cute, handsome guys too, but... It wasn't her type of guy.

She didn't want guys that acted boys, nor boys that acted like a grown up man. She found herself cringe on them.

Her type of a guy is having a good taste of music as her. Great humor.
Same passion for art as her.

And especially, Taller than her, Soft hair, Two slightly big front teeth, Long lashes..... Blue eyes....

Yep. It was her ideal guy.

The young blonde sighed once again as she thought of the man with the pools of blue.

"Do you miss him?" Karen suddenly asked her.

Margot turned her attention back to Karen's and shrugged.

A round of confusion swirled into her mind.

Does she missed him?

Do I miss him?

Do you?

"I-I don't know..." she muttered.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk...." Cara made a noise in disbelief.

Karen turned her back to face Cara, "What's wrong?"

"Oh honey... the cupid must've been shot you an arrow straight to the heart.." she said.

Straight to the heart? What the hell was that mean?

"W-what?" Margot asked.

"Oh, that thing called...." she says like and form her hands into a drum roll.

"Love at first sight."

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