chapter 2

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I searched for a place to sit on the bus, everyone watching me .

Hey sit here" a girl called out

I spun round to see a beautiful girl with medium length black hair. She was wearing a a black butterfly and skull t-shirt and black jeans with chains on them. I sat down ...

"Hi what's your name" she asked me

"My name is Chloe Jones and yours is?" I asked

"My name Natasha Richardson"

"What a nice name you have" I said

" well from your hair I guess your .. scene right.."She quizzed

"Yeah I am" I replied

"Well you should hang with me and andy"she said

"Who's andy" I asked

" I am" said a deep soothing voice.

I turned around to see a pale, blue eyed Angel standing behind my seat. He had an emo-style haircut. I think I'm in love I said to myself

"Ummm... hello what's your name"he asked sounding puzzled

Oh I'm sorry did u say something I asked

"He asked you what your name was 5 times but you ignored him" Natasha said, while she was scanning through my planner.

I was going to asks her where she got it from but I was to focused on andy.

"My name is Chloe Jones" I said , flicking my fringe to the side. " you have really nice eyes andy".

"Thanks you have nice green eyes" he said sounded creeped out

" Well how awkward is this for me" said Natasha

She spun me around from andy and started pointing and explaining things in planner

"Cool your in the same form as me and andy but your in all of Andy's lessons!"Natasha said

I felt really excited to be in the same classes as andy but I can't flirt urrgh maybe I need to ask Google how to...

And then i met andy biersackWhere stories live. Discover now