chapter 17

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the car journey was silent all you could hear was me sniffling and my mom cursing. we pulled up to andy's house.

"mom what are we doing here" i said

she didnt reply she rang the doorbell like crazy and andy's mom came to greet us. my mom barged into the house demanding to see andy. andy's mom and dad were arguing with my mom and andy came down the stairs. he saw what was going on and grabbed me asking me what happened

"get your hands off her" my mom yelled. andy's dad pulled andy back.

"did you know that these 2 where dating" my mom said sternly

"no.... and is that the reason why you've barged into my house"

"no im here because my daughter is pregnant" she said angrily chucking me into andy

His mom and dad looked at him disappointed.

"andy...." his mom said shakily "well this is a shock"

"yeah and i want you all to know that chloe is keeping the baby" he said not even finching" right honey"

i took and deep breath and said yes.

"oh is that so" my mom said standing up. " well your no daughter of mine!" she said walking out i saw her get into the car and drive away. andy hugged me really tight as his dad walked into the kitchen. i could tell he was angry.

"sweetie i have to say i am disappointed but i will support you ok" andy's mom said kindly

" what about my mom and where am i going to stay" i said

" she will cool down and you can always stay here " she said

then she walked out to join andy's dad in the kitchen.

And then i met andy biersackWhere stories live. Discover now