chapter 11

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6 hours later ..

it was really dark and we had just watched a bunch of movies. I think me and Andy are dating now since he was cuddling up with me.

suddenly, the power went out me and Natasha let out a little scream as the room began to get darker and darker. andy got up to see what had happened. apparently the whole street had no power

"great just great" Natasha said leaning back on the chair

"umm Natasha will you come with upstairs to get my phone" I asked

"what are you scared of the dark" she said jokingly

"no" I said looking down

"don't worry babe I will get it" andy said

andy came back down with my phone and gave it to me.

"hey do you remember that haunted house at the end of the road" andy said

I didn't like where this was going

"yeah" Natasha said

" we should go down there and play truth or dare or we can play my version of blind man's bluff." he said raising his eyebrows

"yay" Natasha squealed 

"what do you say chloe" andy asked

"umm ok" I replied

We grabbed our coats and bags and walked out the door. as we walked down the street. I could see little candles flickering in dark houses. We came to one house with broken glass. no door, a lot of vines covering it up. it also had an eerie aroma surrounding it. I was scared... like really scared

And then i met andy biersackWhere stories live. Discover now