Chapter 19: The Kiss

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Shiganshina 1879

Levi's eyes looked as if they were ready to kill and Eren was very intimidated by it. The original cool and welcoming eyes you seen on the Royal Broadcast and the ones he used to greet others had now disappeared into something completely new.

If you couldn't have told by now, he had looked pretty pissed.

"Gracely....Eren...Follow me please?" The prince asked, obviously not waiting for an answer before he turned down on his heels, walking quickly down the halls and into a small door on the left at the very end.

Eren and Grace had quickly exchanged nervous glances before quickly walking down the hall and into the small room Levi turned into. Unlike the rest of the castle, it was actually quite plain. White walls, black carpet and a desk in the middle with four chairs around it.

An office maybe? That is what Eren thought but before he could ask and confirm, Levi cleared his throat and interrupted him.

"Care to explain, you two? Did you come into the competition just to make a joke of me or some shit?"

Eren's eyes had widened. Yeah, he used rude language all the time when hanging with friends but he didn't expect a royal to say such things. Once again, before Eren could speak, he was interrupted by Grace this time.

"He came onto me and I didn't know what to do! He needs to be sent away, Levi...."

Both Eren and Levi's eyes widened and it only seemed as if the rage on The Prince's face grew.

"You are not to call me by my name. This is well known. Secondly, I would like you to get your things and get the hell out my castle. I don't have time to deal with sorry excuses for "proper women" like you..."

Eren swore he saw tears on the other girl's face and he kinda felt bad as she walked out the room. On the other hand, Levi had just sent someone home because they were hitting on him. What did that mean? The boy didn't know and he didn't ask but instead tried to leave right after Grace.

"Hey....Eren. Don;t think you are leaving so quickly..."

Goddamn it

"Y-Yes Prince Levi?" Eren asked nervously but noticed that Levi's stern and cold expression had softened.

"Your date....It has been rescheduled for tomorrow before the other girl's. Be up early and meet me in the parlor as soon as you wake...You can be dismissed for now...."

Eren nodded and smiled warmly as he walked out of the room. "Thank you sir, see you then..."

With those few words, he was gone. What did all of this mean to him. Grace being sent away, the pushed up date, meeting in the secret parlor?!? Only the secrets of tomorrow could answer his questions.

Shiganshina 1879

"Eren's room"

The male couldn't seem to sleep that night. Not one bit

All the questions kept coming in and out of his head at rapid speeds and he didn't quite know why or how to get rid of them all. Why did Grace get sent home for hitting on him? Why was his date moved to now tomorrow? Why did he get mad at Grace for calling him Levi but didn't when he did.

There was really no point in trying to sleep at this point so what did Eren do? He got up to roam the castle of course.

The male slipped on the silky slippers and brushed the hair out his face before he stepped out of his room silently and crept down the halls of the castle. He wouldn't get in trouble for this right? It was just to get him tired and put him to sleep. Nothing else.

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