I. How You Meet

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to AmberLJConrad for the awesome cover! I really like it!

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to AmberLJConrad for the awesome cover! I really like it!


You were paying for your wand, at the wand shop. You had been waiting for this moment for a long time and were finally able to get a wand of your own. 

You heard the door open and turned around to see a small boy taking tentative steps toward you. 

"Hey, I'm Y/N," you said, giving him a smile.

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Are you going to Hogwarts too?" you questioned. 

He gave a small nod. 

Ollivander appeared silently, looking at Harry. "Ah, hello there, Mr. Potter."

You saw Harry's surprised look and said, "This is Ollivander, Harry. This is his shop."

"Here to get a wand, Mr. Potter?" Ollivander asked. Harry nodded.

"Come right this way," Ollivander said, ushering Harry to the front of the shop. 

You gave him a quick wave. "See you, Harry!" You walked out, taking a quick peek at him over your shoulder.


You were eating dinner in the Great Hall, enjoying your food. Dinner was tomato soup with chicken wings. Unfortunately, everyone ate all the chicken wings already. 

You sighed and looked down the Gryffindor table, seeing if there was any more. Your eyes lit up. You had just spotted a plate of chicken wings next to a ginger-haired boy. You stood up and walked to him, tapping his shoulder. He turned to you, his eyes questioning. 

You gave him an awkward smile and said, "Hey there, can I have your chicken wings?"  

He nodded and gave you the plate of food 

"Thanks," you said. "I'm Y/N."

"Ron Weasley." He smiled.


A piece of parchment hit your head while you were talking to Ron. You turned to glare at the offender, before looking at the parchment. It said: 

Hey, Ron, who's that beautiful girl/boy/person next to you?

You smiled and tried hard not to blush. You stood up and walked to the boy who threw the parchment. 

"I'm Y/N." You winked at him.

His eyes widened for a moment then he quickly regained his composure. "Fred Weasley, attractive lady/sir/person. Nice to meet you."


"SLYTHERIN!" the Sorting Hat shouted. You smirked and sauntered to the Slytherin table. 

You took a seat next to a blond-haired boy. He turned to you and introduced himself. 

"I'm Draco Malfoy," he said arrogantly.

"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N," you replied. 

Draco's eyes widened. "Y/L/N as in the famous Y/L/Ns?"

You nodded. "The very same."

"Wow." Draco eyed you with an inch more of respect.


You were watching the Hufflepuff Quidditch practice. Too soon, the practice ended, and you walked down the stands, into Hogwarts. 

Before you went inside, a hand gently grabbed your arm. You turned around to see a handsome boy looking at you.

"Hey," he said, grinning at you.

"Um, hi."

"You always come to our Quidditch practices, right?"


"Cool, cool. I can always appreciate a fellow Qidditich lover. So, you wanna walk inside together? Maybe get lunch together?"

"Sure." You stuck out your hand. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"Cedric Diggory." He flashed a brilliant grin. 


You were walking and reading at the same time, which in hindsight was a bad idea. You bumped into someone and dropped your book.

"Oh, Merlin!" a voice squeaked out.

Startled, you looked up to find a girl with bushy hair muttering apologies.

You smiled. "It's fine. I should know better than to read while walking."

She reached down to pick up your book and examined the title. "Hogwarts, a History.  That's one of my favorites."

"One of my favorites as well."

She grinned and stuck out her hand. "Hermione Granger."

You shook her hand. "Y/N."


You had just gotten a letter from your old professor, Dumbledore.  He asked you to teach DADA this year. Since he was an old friend, you accepted. You flicked your wand and all your clothes packed itself neatly into your suitcases. Picking them up, you walked outside and Apparated. 

Walking up the hill, you saw Dumbledore talking to an unknown professor. "Professor Dumbledore! It's good to see you again."

He caught sight of you and smiled. He said, "Miss/Mister Y/N, wonderful to see you."

"May I ask how you are doing?" you asked, trying not to smile.

"You may." You could see his lips twitch up.

"Then how are you doing?" You were fully grinning at this point.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

You both burst out laughing. 


"No need for formalities, just call me Albus," Dumbledore said.

"Alright then, only if you call me Y/N," you said. Dumbledore nodded.

"And who is this?" you asked, looking at the unknown professor, who was watching your exchange.

"I am Severus Snape, Potions Professor," he said. "But you may call me Severus." You noticed he had a smooth, silky voice like velvet. 

"Nice to meet you, Severus."


QUESTION: Who is your favourite Harry Potter character? Tough one, I know. 

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Argh, either Harry or Dumbledore. Or Hermione. I can't choose!

What about you?

Edited: 1/2/18

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