XI. How You Kiss

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Long and passionate. Harry gave you a kiss whenever you could make time for each other, silently promising you he could clear his schedule for you. Even before the Final Battle, Harry kissed you once, hard before running off to Merlin-knows-where. This reassures him that you're not going anywhere and that he loves you.

 This reassures him that you're not going anywhere and that he loves you

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You're the usually the first one to make a move, due to Ron's awkwardness. Your kisses are short and sweet, which he likes. Your types of kisses are specially made for PDA: sweet and not too scandalous. 


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Fred kisses you playfully, which fits his personality. Serious kisses are more for meaningful events, like when Fred left school (who can forget that) or being the Final Battle. Sometimes Fred makes you laugh, then he kisses you, both of you smiling.

 Sometimes Fred makes you laugh, then he kisses you, both of you smiling

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Draco kisses you passionately and demandingly and sometimes pushes you against a wall. He dominates, and when he's feeling generous, he lets you take charge. Draco claims it's his way of showing his love for you.

 Draco claims it's his way of showing his love for you

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Short and sweet. Cedric always wants another one, though. Usually, it's a longer, passionate kiss he desires. Cedric is also good at kissing and can do any type, any style. A jack of all trades, this boy.

 A jack of all trades, this boy

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Short but sweet, but it leaves Hermione flustered. Short kisses are the best because Hermione can't really do long, slow kisses because she gets too anxious about her skill. Sudden kisses stop her from thinking too much.

 Sudden kisses stop her from thinking too much

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Passionate and slow. Severus never wanted to be demanding or harsh, in fear of hurting you. He would always cradle you gently, holding you as if you're the most precious thing in the world (which, to him, you are) and kisses you.

 He would always cradle you gently, holding you as if you're the most precious thing in the world (which, to him, you are) and kisses you

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QUESTION: Which type of kiss did you like?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Either Hermoine's or Severus'. Depends on my mood, really.

Comment your answer!

Edited: 2/11/18

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