III. What They Like About You

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Your happiness. You were always cheerful and always had a smile on your face. When Harry was stressed, or mad, as soon as he caught sight of your smile, he would cheer up. It inspired him to keep going through tough times. You had that effect on everyone.


Your willingness to help Ron with his homework. You didn't boss him around; you just gently told him to do his homework. You sometimes let him and Harry copy your homework. You also helped Ron study, which caused his grades to improve.


Your love of pranks. You always loved Fred's jokes and games. You sometimes helped him work on escape plans or an improvement on of his new toys. If you were lucky, you both would go prank people.


Your confidence in him. You always stood by Draco's side and defended him, even when he became a Death Eater. You knew he would do the best he could.


Your love of Quidditch. You would always cheer for Cedric and his team. You both would bond together over Quidditch and could spend hours discussing topics and strategies.


Your ability to make her relax. When Hermione was stressed, you usually gave her a kiss and whispered soothing words to her. She would always smile and thank you when you relaxed her. You were a much-needed break from all the work ahead of her. 


Your quiet aura of confidence. Severus loved how you walked with your head held high, your spine straight, and your focused gaze. He thought it was extremely sexy (not that he told you). You made everyone silent and respect you. 

 ♚ ♚ ♚

QUESTION: Who's your OTP in Harry Potter?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Probably Harry and Ginny or Ron and Hermione.

Leave your answer in the comments!

Edited: 1/4/17  

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