IX. First Kiss

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You cuddled with Harry on the couch of the Gryffindor Common Room, your head leaning on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you. The fire crackled, providing warmth and a dim light.

"This is nice," Harry murmured, leaning his head back onto the couch pillows.

"Mhm." You nestled even more into him, half-asleep.

You sat in silence, neither of you feeling a need to break it until Harry moved. 


"Shh." Harry tugged your chin toward him—hesitiating for a second—and pressed a kiss to your lips before pulling away. You gasped and gazed into his green eyes before a smile spread across your face. 

"Now you can relax." Harry resumed his position, with you at his side, a smile on both of your faces. 


You watched, transfixed, as Harry went into a barrel dive, stretching his arm. You rose to your feet as his hand closed around the Snitch. The Gryffindor Quidditch team had won the Quidditch Cup!

The crowd roared and stomped their feet, overwhelming your eardrums with noise. You, too, lept to your feet as you clapped hard enough to make your hands red.

The team dismounted their brooms before rushing to their various friends. Ron sprinted to you, a grin plastered on his face. 

You raced to meet him and started to say, "Congrats—"

Ron picked you up, twirled you around and kissed you, cutting off your sentence. You gripped his shoulders and leaned into the kiss. 

You heard many wolf-whistles, but you were oblivious to the noise as he gripped you tighter. It was just you and Ron, in your own private little world.


Fred held his broom, his Beater's bat, and uniform, ready to leave. 

"No, don't leave me!" you whined, holding out your arm.

"Sorry." An apologetic smile crossed Fred's face. He strode to you, making sure not to drop his equipment before giving you a peck. "See you later, babe!"


"Hey, Y/N, you're looking good today." Blaise leered at you, eyeing you up and down, making you shudder.

"Piss off." You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. 

"Fiesty. I like that."

"Don't you know I'm dating Draco? Your friend." 

"So?" He shrugged and smirked. "We can keep it quiet. He'll never know."

An arm gripped your waist and Draco appeared, his eyes cold and flinty. You flinched at the sight of his anger even though it wasn't directed at you.

"Back off, Blaise." His voice was low and calm, almost too calm. "Don't you know that Y/N is too good for vermin like you?"

Ah, there was the famous Malfoy ire.

Blaise put his hands up. "Chill, man—"

"Don't call me that. And get out of my sight." Draco's fingers twitched toward the place where he hid his wand.

Without another word, Blaise sprinted away, not looking back. You watched him go, a smile curling on your lips.

Draco stomped to you and pressed his lips to yours, making sure to hold the kiss. 

"There is no chance that you will date scum like him. Promise me."

"Of course," you said as Draco rewarded you with another kiss. 


Cedric tickled you, making you howl with laughter. 

"Stop! Please!" 

"No way!"

You tried to push Cedric off but he laid his body on top of you, his mouth a couple inches from yours. Your laughter trailed off as your breath caught in your throat. Complete silence filled the room.

Cedric's eyes focused on your lips and he leaned down, brushing your lips against his.  

"T-that was nice." 

"Yeah, it was." Cedric smiled before kissing you again.


You were reading a book in the library with Hermione. No sound was heard except the rustling of pages and a few footsteps here and there. 

As you turned the page, Hermione put her hand on yours, stopping you. She took a deep breath and tugged your chin so you were facing her. 


Ignoring your question, she instead focused on your lips and kissed you before breaking away. "How was that?"



At the end of your date, you started to walk inside of your chambers, ready to call it a night. Before you could, Severus pulled you back by your hand and pressed you against the wall.

You tilted your head to the side and frowned. "What—"

Severus kissed you passionately, ending your sentence. He broke away after a second, and whispered, "Good night."

You smiled and kissed him again. "Good night, Severus."


QUESTION: Which was your favourite kiss?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Severus' because that was pretty hot. ;)

Comment your answer!

Edited: 1/20/18

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