XIV. You Want To Break Up

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Harry would be angry at first. He had tried his best to give you everything you wanted, but it still wasn't enough. You would tearfully try to explain that you needed him and he wasn't there. He would calm down and try to listen to your explanations. Afterward, he would hug you and promise you that he'll be there.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll try better in the future."


Ron would be more angry than sad. He loved you so much and tried his best to please you. As you confessed how you felt, he would be cold. If you left, you would never see him again. If you stayed, Ron would try his best to fix the issues.

"Go ahead. Leave."


Fred would be confused, like a child. He would reject the idea that you were leaving him. In his mind, you were confused or joking. The next morning, everything would be back to normal, but Fred would try a bit harder to please you.

"Y/N, what are you talking about? Leave? And I thought you were the sensible one!" He would laugh.


Draco would be pissed because you sprang this on him without warning. He would remind you that he was the best lover and he was the only one who could make you feel this way. After he said that, Draco would kiss you passionately. The next morning, he would be moody, expecting you to leave him.

"So you're just going to leave? Even after what I said?"


Cedric would be in tears. He wouldn't beg for you, but he would be close to it. He would do anything you want. Cedric would buy you gifts, spoil you, anything you wanted.

"Wait, Y/N! Let's talk about this."

"About what? There's nothing to talk about."

"Our relationship. I'm not giving up."


Hermione would stop you right there. Se would be mature and tell you what was wrong with your leaving. She wouldn't give up on you. If you stayed, Hermione would talk through your problems.

"I love you. And I know you love me too," she would say. "So why leave?"


Severus would absolutely refuse to let you leave. He would grab you by the arm and kiss you hard. It wouldn't matter what you said, he would try his best to fix the problems. Afterward, Severus would try to give you more affection and tell you he loves you more.

"You're not leaving me."


QUESTION: Which made you the saddest?


Comment your answer!

Edited: 2/16/18

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