XVI. They Cheat

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Harry didn't even know what was happening. One second, he was talking to a girl, the next, her lips were on his. His eyes widened and he went into panic mode. Harry backed away and ran out of the room to you. Panting like he just ran a mile, Harry would tell you what happened.

"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N."

You would laugh it off, knowing Harry didn't mean it. At first, he would be surprised but relieved. He would vow to never kiss or let someone kiss him as he knew it would devastate you.


Ron missed you. And that was the reason why he was kissing someone else. He just needed some physical comfort. You were so busy with exams and were gone for so long. So Ron decided to have an affair, no strings attached. And he was not planning to tell you.

"What am I doing?"

You caught him when he started sneaking out at night.

"What the hell is this, Ron?"

Ron knew he messed up when you walked out of the room. He destroyed the best thing that happened to him and he didn't know if you were coming back.


It was supposed to be a fling, no strings attached. But exams went on for so long and you didn't have time for Fred. So he went back to his fling, leaving you to catch on after someone told you of his affair.

"Y/N? I didn't think you'd realize. . ."

You inhaled. "I trusted you. I actually loved you."

"Y/N . . ."


Draco was drunk. That was the first thought that came to his head the next morning. He groaned, raising his head to squint at the glaring sunlight. No, Draco was hungover

The rustle of bedsheets grasped his attention and he turned to his head. There was a naked woman, a deer-in-headlights expression on her face, who definitely wasn't you.

"What the hell?"

"Oh god. Please don't tell anyone; I have a boyfriend—"

"I'm not going to tell. Don't worry. Just . . . get out."

Afterward, Draco would mull over the decision to tell you the truth or not. He would decide to tell you as he knew you would find out eventually. Draco would be blunt, getting straight to the point.

"I cheated."

You stared at him before laughing, your laugh shaky and full of disbelief.

"I can't believe this."

Draco would show no emotion. The clenching of his jaw was the only gesture that he was moving. You would leave, needing to clear your head for a while. He would stare at your departing back, knowing he deserved everything you were going to do.


It was one kiss. Just one. That wasn't too bad, right? But Cedric felt like he destroyed something precious. You trusted him and he was betraying that trust. But Cedric pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on the feel of the other woman's lips. But there were so different than yours; too rough and no love in them. Cedric pushed the woman away before running.

"I-I need to go."

Cedric would run to you, sobbing, throwing himself onto his knees as he would spill the story. You could barely understand him and asked him to slow down. As you realized what he did, you would back away. Where was the man you first loved?

"Cedric? Really? I can't believe you."


Hermione knew exactly what he was doing. She was a genius, after all. But they remind her so much of her ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, whom she loved so much. Hermione came back to her senses and pushed them away.

"I'm sorry, but I shouldn't be doing this."

Afterward, Hermione would sit down with you and tell you everything. You would have a mature conversation about it and discuss your relationship. Hermione wanted to fight for your relationship, but you weren't so sure.

"Y/N . . . I love you. I made a mistake, but I'm willing to fix it."


Severus would be practicing his potion-making when a student kissed him out of the blue. He was so focused that he didn't see her creeping up on her. Severus pushed her away immediately, furious that he didn't see her.

"What do you think you're doing? Get away!"

Severus would immediately feel guilty even though he didn't do anything wrong. He would agonize over the decision to tell you but figure that it was the honest thing to do. Severus would tell you, his jaw clenched, afraid that you would break up. You would console him, reassuring him.

"I'm-I'm so sorry, Y/N, but she was sneaking up on me and I couldn't see her—"

"It's okay, Severus. I know you didn't mean it."


QUESTION: Which was the saddest?

AUTHOR'S ANSWER: Either Draco's or Cedric's.

What about you?

Edited: 2/16/18

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