XVII. How They Spend Christmas With You

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Harry would first take you on a mini-date at Hogsmeade where you would talk (mostly make fun of Snape) and sip at Butterbeer. You would walk around for a bit then head to the Burrow where everyone would be eagerly anticipating your arrival. You would be introduced to the Weasley's as they each give you a separate talk about dating Harry. You would listen to them in amusement, but tell them you would listen to them and not hurt Harry. Afterward, you would cuddle with Harry while sipping hot cocoa. He would give you his gift, a smile on his face.

"Not a bad Christmas, huh?"


Ron would take you to the Burrow, where you would be greeted by his whole family. Molly would make you the best Christmas meal you had ever eaten. It would be a joyous occasion with lots of laughter. Ron would pull you away for some much-needed peace and quiet, and away from everyone's prying eyes would he give you the gift he bought.

"My family's pretty loud, but I'm glad you like them, Y/N."


Fred, instead of taking you to the Burrow, will take you to his joke shop. Business always boomed around Christmas. You'll perch on a stool as you watch, awe-struck, as he and George take care of all the customers. Fred'll tell you to get whatever you want; everything's free for you as a sort of pre-Christmas gift. (This would make Ron jealous as he still has to pay.)

"Hey, babe, get whatever you want! It's on the house! Merry Christmas!"


Draco would not take you to the Manor. He wouldn't want you to be around his parents (mostly his father because I believe his mother is actually sweet) and who knew if any Death Eaters might be there? Instead, you would go to your house where Draco would charm the pants off your parents. To make him happier, you would owl Narcissa and ask her to come visit him. Draco would have brought you many, many presents, due to his wealth and he would love to lavish them all on you.

"Darling, I have some gifts for you! Come here, please!"


Cedric would go wherever you wanted to. But if you were undecided, he would take you to a Quidditch game because that was where the two of you first met, after all. You would both enjoy the game and afterward, you would head to Hogsmeade and enjoy a Butterbeer (or two). There, Cedric would give you his gift.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N."


You'll go visit Hermione's parents, thankful that you get a break. She'll be nervous, more so than you, actually, as she just wants them to like you. No worries, however! Hermione's parents love you and they can see how much you adore Hermione and vice versa. All of you will bond as you'll have some apple cider and open presents together.

"I'm so glad they like you, Y/N!"


You both will be relieved that Christmas came and you get a break from the students. The castle is quiet with hardly a ghost there. Severus will be reluctant to bring you to his home, as it's drafty, ugly, and there're many bad memories there. You understand, of course, so you'll stay at Hogwarts for the break. You both will stay in his chambers, only leaving to go the library. You'll relax with him, as you talk about everything, make love in slow content. He'll also buy you some sentimental gifts.

"It's peaceful here, with you, isn't it, Y/N?"


QUESTION: Do you celebrate Christmas? 


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Edited: 2/16/18

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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