Undead part 1

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I got this idea recently because I remember watching a movie called Warm Bodies a long time ago. So I thought it would make a good one-shot for redney. Btw that movie is good I liked it.


Zombie apocalypse AU

(3rd POV)

The world is in shambles. A Zombie outbreak has overrun the Earth. Humans can barely survive in their camps. Out there in the world are the zombies with their more lethal "partner" the Screeches. Screeches are zombies that have lost all sense of feeling for anything, in other words they went feral.

(Red's POV)

Ever since the outbreak things have been different. Especially Mark. Mark used to be a loving boyfriend but now he is cold to others and me. I know we have to survive but show a little heart once and a while.

"Hey Adam. Mark and I gathered a group to go search for supplies."

"Okay. Be safe Red. I can't lose anymore people I care about."

I walked back to Mark, Ross and Em who were packing a small amount of supplies and weapons for self defense.

"Did you tell Adam we were going on a supply run?" Mark asked. I nodded and he gave a forced smile then turned back to the others.

"Alright let's go."

(Barney's POV)

I walked around with my small horde looking for any sign of life, any sign of humans. Nothing. We passed by two Screeches who were feasting on an human's remains. None of us Walkers ever dared to go near a Screech. They killed whoever and whatever they could.

We made our way to a deserted town where I caught the smell of something. Apples? We knew it meant one thing. Humans. I turned to the other walkers and grunted pointing to a building. They grunted in response then we started to make our way to the building.

(Red's POV)

"Mark hurry up. We have been in this building for too long." I said looking around the room we were in. Mark took us to an abandoned hospital in search for more medical supplies.

"Not until we find more medical supplies Red."

"Guys we've got trouble. Walkers are coming this way." Ross said.

"Fuck! Red hide. Now!" I hesitated then hid under a desk. I heard the door burst open and a bunch of walkers grunting. Gunshots were fired then a slamming of something on a desktop.

Oh fuck I'm so scared.

(Barney's POV)

My horde and I burst into the room where the humans were at. I started to go for a guy with curly brown hair and glasses then something hit my shoulder. I turned and lunged for the person with a gun pointed at me. I grabbed his head and started to slam it as hard as I could onto the desk until his head split open spilling his brains out. I gathered his brains and put them in my purple jacket pocket for later. I looked at the ground and saw a shoe under a desk. I grabbed it and pulled it out revealing a young man with ginger hair.

He was interesting. He had no desire to try and kill me or my horde. I'll keep him.

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