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Okay, clearing this up now. I have heard Hanji portrayed as both a guy and a girl, the character of Hanji is a girl in this fic. Relax yoselves.

Levi's POV:

It has been almost a week now, since Eren and I had kissed.

If I was being honest, it was unbearably awkward between us now. Neither of us knew what the other really wanted to do. 

Whenever we past each other Eren's face would light up red, my own face becoming tinted red slightly. 

I of course, was still wrapping my head around being gay. Or at least bi...I wasn't sure. 

It hasn't been since high school that I have questioned my sexuality this much, I knew I could go to Erwin or even Eren for this but...I really wasn't sure.

Yes, when I kissed Eren it felt like my world was going to explode and turn into rainbows and butterflies, but did that make me gay?

That sounded gay that's for sure.

Once again I was sitting at the piano, my fingers running over the cold keys but not making any music. My memories were running back to when Eren was beside me in this exact spot, I remember his hands were surprisingly warm for how cold it was outside. 

And he showed me his forbidden certainly was a shock. Eren having a tattoo, I didn't really see him as the type to get one.

Then again, neither did I but I told him I may get one.

Customers came and left, hours past just like every other day.

My life was continuing normally.

I hated it.

My stomach grumbled angrily and I stood up, I threw on my coat and stepped outside. 

Lights and green decorations invaded my vision. I looked around and was reminded of what was in two days.


Also, coincidentally, my birthday.

I scowled at the bright lights and happy cheering from people walking down the street, window shopping. Couples clung onto one another, pointing at shops and sometimes diving into them.

Of course, my own shop was decorated.

Armin and Eren had come over, forcing the decorations on the windows and some snowflakes on the walls.

Of course I had protested at the filthy decor, but with Eren's pathetically adorable smile I really couldn't say no for long.

I hated that power he had.

And I knew he knew he had that power too.


Well, speak of the devil.

I turned and saw Eren and Armin waving at me from their shop. I sighed and walked over to them, again, my face starting to heat up slightly like a little school girl.

I choked it up to the cold weather.

"Hey" I said, shivering slightly.

"Well! I have to go, Jean wanted my help with getting a present for Erwin so I should go now, bye guys!" Armin then proceeded to skip away happily.


I turned to Eren, his face heating up with an obvious blush.

I rolled my eyes, its like we are in high school or something.

Just a Simple Hello - EreriTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon