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Katrina's P.O.V

I hardly slept last night since I felt the need I had to unpack, not to mention the jet lag and the noisy ruckus of the four males who were sharing this flat with us. It was strange. One, to be sharing a flat with five people - four of which are strangers - and two, that these strangers are popular YouTubers.

While we filled ourselves up with large American pizzas, we got to know each other. Most of the time it was jokes I didn't really understand and Daisy gushing about how much she loved them all. I listened and learnt, a skill I was rather good at.

Once I made my way over to the kitchen, I tiredly opened a cupboard and stared into its emptiness.

 "You do know there's nothing in there, right?" says a voice I recognise as Phil's. I jump a little.

 "Oh, yeah....I'm just tired." I shake my head, smiling small.

Phil looks around the rest of the room and I follow where his gaze is set. Dan had just exited their room. The two smile at each other.

 "Do you guys still know the recipe for Delia Smith pancakes?" I say, referencing one of the videos I had seen of theirs.

 "That," begins Dan, holding up a finger. "Is only for pancake day."

 "Anyway we don't have any ingredients or food...I suppose we could make toast," Phil says.

We both look at him until he realises. No food means no toast.

Daisy emerges from our room, her hair wet from a shower. Closely followed by Chris and PJ. Now that we're all together I see that we are all really tired.

 "I forgot to bring straighteners," Daisy says, pouting.

 "No," I tell her. "I saw you pack them."

Man it's weird with four guys around.

 "I did? No I didn't." She shakes her head, very sure of the fact.

 "You did!"

 "I didn't."

 "Want to use mine?" Dan offers.

Daisy lights up, "Yes."

The two go back to the room shared by Dan and Phil. I look at the other guys. Chris' gaze follows them until they're gone from sight. Now that I think about it his gaze never really left her since he made himself visible this morning. PJ lost interest in the two when they were walking, and Phil decides to follow them. I hear the sound of a hairdryer.

 "Well, I'm hungry," announces PJ.

 "Mm, me too." Chris nods.

 "I suggest we go out for breakfast, you hungry?" PJ looks at me. I nod at him.

"Ladies, we're going for food!" Chris shouts, running to get his shoes.

There's a thump from Dan and Phil's room and Dan appears in the doorway, clinging onto the door frame. Phil appears behind him and I hear the hairdryer turn off.

 "But my hair isn't done yet!" I hear Daisy call.

 "I'm to say this but it can wait." Dan straightens up. "Food comes first."

 "Girl, you be looking fine, anyway." Chris says, winking at no one in particuar until Daisy appears suddenly.

The three walk out of the room and we all head out.


It takes a while but we finally find a nice little place with not many people in. The place isn't some big company, it appears to be a family business. The old men sat in the corner strike me as people who would be regulars. I like it.

The walls are donned in black and white photos, the place looks slightly worn and cosy. The waft of coffee rouses me to awakedness. However the booths seem to only sit four. The problem is that there are six of us.

But somehow we are all sat, slightly squished, but sat. Maybe it would've been alright to leave the other three at home. I kid, I kid. I'm sat on the end beside Daisy and she's beside Chris, on the opposite side sits Phil with Dan and PJ.

A woman comes over and offers us coffee. I decline. She also offers us tea, the true Brits sat around me take up the offer. I look over at the blackboards behind the counter, looking to see what I want. The woman comes back with our drinks, I have an orange juice. It's kind of weird to hear it called OJ.

She takes our food orders and I look at the people in front of me. I think we'll make a nice little family.

I notice Dan and Phil look pretty comfortable together. Cute.

I notice PJ. Cute.

I notice two people taking turns to look at one another.

When she eventually comes with our dishes. I notice more things. Little details. Chris and Daisy seeming to accidentally bump their arms into each other, Phil and Dan stealing glances.

 "So I'm excited for comic-con." I pipe up.

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