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Katrina's P.O.V

"What?" I say. That's all I can muster.

From what Daisy has reported to me I don't know what to think.

PJ kissed her. Is he really that lonely? And does he really like Daisy? Why would he kiss her? It's only been a few days. He couldn't possibly like her.

I didn't think he was the type to do that.

"Yeah...he kissed me. He thought I was with Chris," she says, running a hand through her hair, messing it up.

"It's weird." I really don't know want to say.

 "Isn't it?" She looks around the party fiddling with her glass of coke.

 "Are you okay?" I ask.

 "Yeah, I don't know what to think." Daisy looks back at me. Hesitating before pulling me outside.

She's not going to pull a PJ on me is she?

 "Do you think PJ likes me?"

 "Honestly? No. He can't, way too soon. Don't worry about it."

 "It's just...I don't know. Never mind." She shakes her head and leaves me.

I'm not blind, she likes Chris, doesn't she? She's been watching his videos for a long time.

I go back in before the cold gets to me. I should have worn a jumper, or at least a dress with longer sleeves.

I start to look for Daisy but I can't see her or any of the other guys. I don't fancy staying here all night.

I find a wall to lean against and wait for someone to find me.


I find Daisy eventually but she's not sure if she wants to leave, since there's a bunch more people she wants to meet. I'm just a bit tired and bored and itching to get on the internet or read a book. I'd leave but I don't want to go by myself.

I spot Dan and Phil over Daisy's shoulder, but they don't look like they'd be wanting to leave anytime soon.

 "I'm gonna go...if I die it's your fault."

Daisy just smiles and says goodbye, telling me that she'll probably end up coming anyway.

I catch some other people leaving and decide to walk near them until they dissipate and I'm left paranoid walking on my own.


 "Made it." I sigh as I shut the door behind me only to be met by the sound of a ukulele strumming.

I look up to see PJ, looking rather glum with the intrument in his hands, "Hi."

PJ looks up at me, giving me a nod. I think he knows I know. I'm not bothered by it but he's probably feeling embarrassed. Poor, sausage.

I rock on my feet, watching him. This is the problem of sharing a place with attractive people - or in some cases, me, unattractive - that everyone's going to end up liking one another. But you have to ignore it until you can't help it anymore. You just have to let it all unfold. However long it takes.

 "Are you okay?" I ask.

 "Yeah," he nods. "I just...I'm not really sure."

'I just' is a perfectly acceptable answer to me.

I shoot him a small smile before going into my room to rootle around for a book. I really need some more books. Thing is, I have tonnes of books I haven't read. There's just nothing I want to read. I grab Jane Eyre and join PJ. Company's a good thing.


By the time I finish the chapter I'm on, Daisy walks through the door; followed by Chris.

 "Hi." I shut my book.

PJ gets up and goes into his room. Chris goes after him immediately.

"Did it finish or did you two just leave?"

 "We just left." Daisy slumps down beside me.

I nod.

 "When do you think Dan and Phil will be back?"

 "Um...God knows. We shouldn't worry."

Daisy gets out her phone and starts replying to some messages and I return to my book.

But to be truthful, all I can think of is comic con.

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