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Daisy's P.O.V

We ask a few people nearby what time the Doctor Who signing starts, most of them say 11:00. I look at my watch, 9:15, plenty of time to wander around and get back in time.

I lead Katrina into a nearby stand, where they are selling Doctor Who merchandise. She pulls me away after half an hour of looking, for fear I would spend all our money. Truth be told, I hadn’t bought anything yet but I knew I should spread the money out.

“Come on, let’s go in the shop. Hardly anyone is in this one.” I walked into a nearby shop, before walking straight back out again.

“What?” Katrina asked me, concern in her eyes.

“Paul McGann and Matt Smith are in there.” I mumbled.


“Look.” I said, pointing in the shop.

Sure enough, there inside the job was Paul McGann and Matt Smith, shopping for candy.

“Let’s go in and say hello.” She said, waltzing in before I could stop her. I hid my face in my hands, embarrassed.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me, pulling me into a hug. Warm arms. Surely it couldn’t be.

“Oh bless her, she’s shy.” A voice said. I nearly slapped myself, but considering it was hard to do I didn’t.

“I’m not shy.” I mumbled.

He let me go, standing in front of me. Paul McGann. P a u l M c G a n n. My hero and idol and lifelong crush stood in front of me, gorgeous as ever. I could still feel his arms around me, which was strange considering they no longer were.


“I wasn’t shy. I mean, I’m not. I had a itchy eye.”

“Both eyes?” He chuckled.

“It’s hayfever season.”

“It’s November.”

“Well it spreads, you know.” I mumbled.

“You mumble a lot.” He grinned.

“I know.” I said, looking over at Katrina who was talking to Matt, getting his autograph.

“So, um..sorry my friend disturbed you.”

“Oh no, it’s nice. I got my candy and got to meet fans who didn’t want to have sex with me.” He chuckled. Oh how I did.

“I can see how that would be annoying.” I smiled.

“So, is there anything you want me to sign?”

“Yeah, thanks.” I brought out my River Song TARDIS notebook and handed it to him. He took it and smiled, signing his name.

“Come by the signing at 11. We can talk more then. I’d like to get to know you more.”

“Okay, I will, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. What’s your name?” He asked.

“Daisy.” I smiled.

“Well, Daisy, nice to meet you, and er, see you later sweetheart.” He grinned, walking away with Matt. I turned back to Katrina.


“Fuck.” I finished.

“I was going to say mother of god but that’s good too.” She said.

“I can’t believe it.”

“Me neither. What did Paul say to you?”

“He said he wanted to get to know me more, and to come by the signing later. He also signed m-“ I searched my pockets and bag. “He’s got my journal!” 

“Don’t worry, he’s probably just forgotten to pick it up. We’ll see him at eleven.” Katrina smiled, walking away, gesturing for me to follow her.

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