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Katrina's P.O.V.

 "Go talk to him," I tell Daisy.

 "I can't."

She's grinning but I know she's nervous.

 "Hey, he came to the flat, I'm sure you waltz over there."

I take a bite of the food that I had ordered. The weirdest thing about it is the gravy. It isn't what I'd call proper gravy. Well. It isn't how we Brits do it.

 "After I've finished." Daisy tells me.

 "What are you talking about?" Chris asks.

 "Um..." I say, shoving a bite in so I wouldn't have to explain. Chris obviously liked her and I didn't want to break his heart and say that a more famous guy was her desire.

 "Paul McGann," Daisy bites back her grin.

 "Oh my God," says Dan, craning his neck around to spot him. "Is that Matt, too?"

 "And Capaldi? And..." We're all looking now.

 "Guys, we can't all stare!" PJ turns away and the others follow suit.

However they all take turns spying the Doctor Who-ers.

 "Maybe you could talk to Matt?" Daisy asks me. "I don't want to go alone."

I sigh, it'd be nice to seem them, like really nice. But I'm kind of tired.

 "Okay, but then I'm going."

We finish our main meals and work on our puddings. I'm kind of struggling with the amount in my dish. A big slab of chocolate brownie, ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Damn it's good. I stuff bite after bite into my face, of course trying not to look like a pig while doing so, until I physically cannot eat anymore. I grab my ice cold diet coke to see if that helps but no, I am defeated.

I look up to see a group of people standing up, one of the people is a certain McGann. I nudge Daisy forcefully, her spoon falls into her dish.


I point to the group and the boys' follow to where my hand is pointing.

 "Okay. Come on."

Daisy looks my in the eye and grabs my arm. Luckily I've managed to throw some cash at the table as if it were a stripper, to pay for my bit of the meal. I follow Daisy, we're in hot pursuit of the eighth Doctor.

The cool air of outside surprises me since the restaurant was so hot, and I didn't bring a jacket. Suddenly we've stopped walking and I look to Daisy.

 "Paul?" she feebly asks, words escaping her.

The actors continuing slipping away from us.

 "Paul?" she asks again, louder.

The group stops and Paul turns around.

 "Well if isn't my friend Daisy!" he greets her with a pleasant grin.

I drown out the sounds of conversation as I feel a pair of eyes looking at me. I take a glance around, it's Matt Smith. I send him a smile.

He sends one back.

Slowly he makes his way over to me.

 "Hello, again!"

His bubbly attitude is comforting, he's like a child.

 "Hello, how are you?"

I can't believe we're talking again.

 "I'm great, were you in the restaurant, too? The food was fantastic!"

 "It was, but very filling."

 "Oh I know." Matt agrees and takes a deep sigh to show how full he is.

 "So what are you doing here?" I ask. Shouldn't they be in San Diego still?

 "Well Paul had this idea..." he begins but stops, looking over at Daisy chatting with Paul.

"Um..I need to go."

I shift on my feet, I'm starting to get really cold. I thought it was supposed to be hot. Full, tired and cold. Not the best mix.

I tap Daisy on the shoulder to inform her and she gives me a look pleading me to stay. I tell her she'll be fine and smile at Paul. Paul starts talking to her again. With her occupied, I can leave.

I begin to walk away when someone taps me on the shoulder, I sigh thinking it's Daisy. To my surprise it's Matt.

 "Mind if I join you?"

 "No, not at all."

I can't refuse him. Especially after we didn't really finish our conversation. Now if anyone tries to mug me or worse I have a protector.

 "So you're just visiting, yeah? How long left?" he asks me.

 "Well, not long actually. We should've come for two weeks," I laugh casually. "But I can't wait to get home."

 "Well me, I might stay here a bit longer. Don't tell anyone but I'm going to be auditioning for something," he smile proudly.

 "And you're not revealing anything?" I ask.


We continuing walking until Matt's walked far enough from the group. He has to get back if they want to make comic con in the morning.

 "Thanks for walking with me." I say to him.

 "It wasn't a problem!"

 "Well, goodbye then, Matt."


And Matt leans down, and plants a kiss on my cheek.

Matt Smith. Just. Kissed my face.

Oh wow.

He smiles and turns away, walking back the way we just came.

I watch him for a moment before I make the rest of the way back. I wonder what Daisy is doing...

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