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Katrina's P.O.V

 I'm surprised to see Daisy here so soon, but then again me and Matt had been walking quite some time. I wanted to know what happened between Paul and her. If anyone had told her five years ago that she'd meet Paul McGann on multiple occasions and could talk to him on friendly terms she would never believe them. In fact if you'd told her this whole experience would happen she would laugh, and never believe you.

 "Tell me first," I say, knowing she's have a lot more to say to me than I to her.

 "We talked...and," she began as we walked. "He called me wholesome --"

 "Wholesome?"I laugh.

 "I know!" She laughs with me. "...and...."

 "And what?" I raise an eyebrow.

 "We...we swapped numbers!"

 "No! No way." I stop. Looking at my friend with my mouth open.

 "I know!" Daisy's grinning.

 "That's amazing."

 "He kissed me...on the cheek, too."

 "So did Matt," I say casually. We begin to walk again.

 "Wait, what?" She looks at me.

 "Matt kissed me on the cheek," I smile brightly.

 "He didn't!" She breathes in disbelief.

 "He did!"

Stunned by both of our tales we continue the rest of the way to the flat, recounting the exact encounters we'd both had. For a moment the tiredness had been blown away but soon it came back and I just wanted to sleep.


Despite my need for sleep, I absolutely cannot drift of to the land of nod. I don't know if it was the excitement from this evening or the fact that we were leaving soon or something completely wacko, but I'm awake. I sigh and push myself up. Checking there are no monsters waiting in my room I stand up and tip toe out. Hoping there might be something of interest out there.

I'm greeted by darkness as I make my way over to the kitchen area to get some food. Okay, I know you shouldn't eat just before you sleep - makes your heart work harder, you know - but food is the next best thing to sleep. I quietly grab a pack of red vines and start to tiptoe back.

Maybe I could watch A Very Potter Musical till I fall asleep. Sounds like a good idea to me.

I'm about to reach my room when a door opens and I freeze. It's PJ.


My feet won't move, and it seems his won't either.

 "Goodnight." I say to him in a strangled whisper and a dive into my room.

Why was that so awkward? After closing my door and settling back into bed, I open my red vines and find that chicklit book I'd found. I could watch the musical another time.


Hello! Short, again. I realise they're supposed to be staying here a week but I've kind of lost count, even tried going through the whole story sorting out days. Just you know...pretend? Anyway, thanks for reading and the votes!

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