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Katrina's P.O.V

 "Was someone here last night?" I ask Daisy while making lunch.

 "Oh, um, yeah," Daisy's face flushes.

I give her an odd look, "Who was it?"

 "Paul," a grin spreads across her face. "Paul McGann. I left my diary...it has the address in it."

 "He came in the middle of the night? Wow." I merely raise my eyebrows. Paul McGann came here? He could have waited until morning...

I cut the last sandwich in half and put it next to another five. I'd made all the boys and myself sandwiches like the stereotype I am. Or rather I'm not, I just felt like doing something nice.

I pick up my own, only to realise that one sandwich is totally not enough for lunch.

Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ all take their sandwich with the filling of their choice, Daisy takes hers too. We all go around to sit on the sofa.

 "Daisy, I'm going to be making a video today, out. I'm thinking that you're a gardener and I'm a plummer," Chris nods at her, taking an over bitten bite of his sandwich.

 "Okay," Daisy agrees. I have no clue what they plan to do but good on them.

Dan and Phil start talking amongst themselves, something about where they'd be going for their video and when. They wanted some Tumblr time.

PJ says that he's cool staying at the flat because he wants to continue playing his Zelda game.

My laptop beckons and I suggest we have a few rounds of Mario Kart when everyone's finished their tasks for the day. I'm boss at Mario Kart.


PJ and I were roped in to star in Chris' video as ourselves. PJ had to get ridiculously annoyed at Chris' constant "I do your plumming?" and I stroll in toward the end and tell him that he can do my plumming because my sink broke that morning and I pay him. Daisy pretends to garden and Chris tries to do some plumming in the garden. In all honesty, I have no idea what the concept was but it was fun. Yet despite the fun nature of the thing Daisy didn't seem all that in it.

Maybe it's because we'll be leaving soon...I must admit I'm starting to feel a bit down. Or maybe it's a certain McGann.

We're all lounging around in different places, the air filled with game music and occasionally laughter.

 "Shall we go out tonight?" That's Phil.

 A resounding sound of "Uh.." fills the room.

 "Okay." Says someone.

 "Yeah." The rest of us agree.

Aren't we a happy bunch? As the others discuss where we're going I head off to take a shower and choose something nice to wear. I won't be staying out too long. I'm still pretty scared of America and I'm incredibly tired from Comic Con. But going out and having fun seems good. Go out with a bang.

Or an early bang.

That sounds weird.


I step out from my room in a light blue dress covered in a floral pattern that blends in, I'm wearing flats because high heels would just about have killed my feet, and my hair is waved. Great.

I wait for the others before following them wherever we were going.


It's short, I know! And there's no conflict. But it's been a long wait. I hope this is acceptable, my loves.

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