Chapter 9: Darkness

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(Frisk pov)

i stared at my fearful expression in the mirror like water. i could hear the drops of my blood as they plopped  down into the water, then i heard something else, i looked up at napstablook, he was.....crying?, "don't...hurt her ok? she's my friend ok..." napstablook said trying to be intimidating, "HA! a ghost? no wonder her friends are only monsters" a boy said, this made napstablook cry more, his tears made a trail on the ground and made its way to the boys feet, he jumped up and grabbed his foot. "what the hell?!?!" he said being confused at how the tears hurt him. a boy through a rock at napstablook, nothing happened "uhhh...not trying to be rude cant kill me...ghost are kinda incorporeal..." napstablook said. the boy scoffed and said "pft! whatever" he looked at his friends "just get the girl" the two boys nodded and started to make there way to me, my whole body quivered in the freezing water around me that now had tint of red from my blood, "h-hey...stop...dont hurt her pl-" i cut napstablook off "*cough* h-haha ...its ok napstablook. please go to toriels home...floweys there, please bring him here..dont worry ill be fine" i said beggingly. "b-bu-" "n-no!..please napstablook" ....napstablook nodded and flew away. "heh! well that was dumb. you just made it easier for us to kill you" my body froze "k-kill?...." my voice shaked "well...yea what did you expect us to do to the girl that let all those horrible monsters free?!" the boy picked me up from my short brown hair, i could feel the weight of my body pull at my scalp. he then took out a sharp pocket knife,it shined in the moonlight, he placed it to my neck..., i could feel myself getting drowsy, *please hurry napstablook....* i said in my head as i closed my eyes and took my last breath of air, i could feel the knife pierced into my skin, he let out a sick laugh before.....snap. i put on a weak smile and could feel my body falling and just like that..i was gone.

(floweys Pov)

i wrapped one of my vines around the boys feet and pulled, he fell to the ground and so did frisk. more of my vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around his hands that were stained with frisks blood, the two boys behind him ran for their lives and disappeared into the darkness. i pinned the boy down with all my vines, i raised up to the side of his face, i pushed thorns into his skin, he let out a bloody scream and i whispered in his ear "if you fear for your life and your friends lives, than if i were you i'd keep my distance from this girl, if i ever hear of you bothering her again....i will END your life!" i said in a menaceing tone, the boy slowly shook his head in agreement, i took of my vines and he ran away holding on to his life that i should've taken

~timeskip to the next day~

(frisks pov)

i opened my eyes, my head as if its splitting into, i struggled to sit up, i looked to my arms and could see wires attached to them, the room was black, all except for around me, i heard a slight creek come from the side of the room....."frisk..."

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