chapter 11: "im fine"

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(frisk pov)

2 months have passed...

Flowey was more overprotective as ever i even sometimes see him........blushing? I dunno. Everything was the same, well except me i guess. Ever since i read that paper in alphys lab, ive been..different, i don't talk to anyone anymore really, i mostly just stay quit and spend most my time in my room, the only person i talk to now is flowey. I care about everyone so much that i've just walked away from protect them from myself, moms asked me before why i was acting the way, i just give her a simple shrug and a "i'm fine". The kids at school, i never saw them again from that day, not even at school, i know they were bullies but i can't help but worry for them. Charas been talking to me a lot nowadays, yet another reason why i like to stay alone, she never says evil thing like i expected she would, she almost as if she's a normal everyday kid now, she's probably one of my best friends, while everyone things i'm sad and lonely, my only friend, my precious flower, no, i have her. Right now i'm on my way to ebbot. I go there everyday to listen to music and do my homework, or just have some peace and quiet from the world, flowey stay wrapped around my arm, it's different now tho, it used to be just my arm but now there's one vine across my stomach and another one wrapped around my right leg, like i said, very protective, it's silent the whole way there, like usual, i grab the hood of my jacket and put it over my head. Later we finally reach my usual spot, a tree not far away from the giant hole i fell down almost a year ago, even looking down it floods me with memories of the underground. I walk over and sit down, i rest my body on the tree and open my math book, the silence between me and floweys not awkward, but peaceful, never the less i break it. "...f-flowey.." my voice shakes, it's hard to talk to someone when you're always silent. Flowey was gazing at the hole, his head jolts back at the sudden sound of my voice, "yea?" he says sounding aggravated. "Can you..maybe help me with this?" i say pointing at a math problem on my paper, now that flowey goes to school with me he also learns what i learn. He sighs and snatches my pencil with one of his vines, he carefully explains how to do it, i struggle to write down all of it, "...thanks" i say with my quiet voice, he nods and directs his head back to the hole, some time passes "hey..frisk?"(you can start that vid now :3) flowey says, his voice sounding somewhat sincere. I look at him "are you..okay?" he says, i look down "im fi-" "fine?" he finishes my sentence before i could. "Yea. you always say that, but are you really fine?" he says still looking into the hole, "i know you arent, did something happen to you?" he says still not making eye contact "you've put..walls up on everyone, making were no one can talk or even make contact with you, you always stay to yourself now" he says, i could feel tears starting to from in my eyes, i stay silent this causing him to look at me "heh.." he frowns "never're now in the mood to always" he says. i wanted so badly to tell him why you were like this but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. But before i new it i had braced him into a hug, my hands wrapped around his stem, both our heads were resting on each other, tiny tears rolled down my face. Flowey tried to be as supportive as he could be, he wiped a tear off my cheek. "Please ok...just scared" my hand edged to my pocket pulling out the paper i found in alphys lab, i handed it to him, the paper now had the other half taped to it, i found it not long ago in a corner at alys lab. He read the paper, he looked at me, he had a sad expression, he handed it back to me, his face told me he understood what i was going through. "We should get home now " he said. I packed my things up and started to walk my way back home.

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