Chapter 2

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Jonathan's P.O.V.

I was getting ready at Amy's house for the interview. I still had an hour but from here to his house, it was about a forty-five minute drive. Maybe close to an hour.

I was standing on a stool as Mark finishes the touches on the bottom.

"Aaaaaand... There! All set, Jon," he says.

I look at the mirror and see myself as a very classy man. I was amazed and see my hair combed back.

"Wow," I mutter.

"I know, I know. I'm a miracle worker!" He says proudly.

I step off and look down. I was nervous about this interview. It would be the first professional thing I've ever done.

Will he go through my background records? Will he accept me for not having a high school diploma?

"Jon? You okay?" Mark asks me.

"Yeah, yeah. Just nervous... That's all," I say.

"Don't be okay? Do you want me to call you a cab?"

"Yeah, that would be nice."


The car ride there was silent. The cab driver was nice though to make a small conversation. We were almost there. At least about five minutes.

"So what's this interview for?" The cab driver asks.

"A butler interview... for a man named, uhh, Evan Fong? I believe?" I questioned.

He looks shocked and looks through the mirror.

"The Evan Fong?!" He says.

"Uhh, yes I guess?"

"He's the co-owner of Thompson Inc.! He's a very rich man and you should be lucky he accepted your request for an interview!"

'So that's why the payment is so big!' I think to myself.

"We're here," I hear.

The house I saw was like a mansion. I was amazed and even more nervous.

"Thanks. How much do I owe you?" I ask.

"About, $32.47," he says.

I nod and give him a forty, leaving him the extra change.

"Oh, and by the way. Good luck!" He says with a smile.

"Thanks," I say and gave him a warm smile.

He drives off and I walk up to the large gates. I saw a buzzer on the side and pressed it.

"Hello?" I hear.

"Um, hi. This is Jonathan. Jonathan Dennis? I'm hear for the eleven o'clock interview," I say.

"Oh! Yes! Mr. Dennis, I've been expecting you. Please, come on in!"

I heard another buzz and the gates opening. I take a deep breath and enter. The front lawn was nice and bright. There was a fountain in the middle, which I walked around, and go up the steps. I knock a few times on the door and waited.

After a few seconds, I see it open up. There was a man standing there with his sleeves rolled up and a cup of whiskey in one hand while the other was still on the door.

"Ahh. You must be Mr. Dennis, am I correct?" He questions.

"Yes, sir," I say.

I put my hand out for a handshake and he kindly takes it.

"Pleasure to meet you. Now, come on in! It's a bit chilly out there."

I nod and slowly go in. I see a huge chandelier and a bunch of paintings on the walls.

"Let's go to my office. It's upstairs, so kindly follow me," he suggests.

I nod and followed him up. His house was at least ten times bigger than my apartment.

We reached a door and as he opens it, I see a desk with two leather chairs in front of it.

"Please sit," he says.

I sit and waited for him to be in his seat.

"May I offer you anything? Water, whiskey, or perhaps a soda?" He asks.

"Uhh, a water is fine, thank you," I say.

He nods and grabs a water bottle. He hands it to me before sitting in his seat.

"Now, Jonathan. How old are you currently?" He asks.

"I am currently nineteen years old, sir."

"Hmm, a pretty, young man for a job like this. Tell me, what made you want this job?"

I sigh and spoke, "I was laid off from my other job a couple days ago. After seeing your ad, it made want to know what it's like to be a butler to work for a high priced person."

"Hmm, clever."

I nod.

"Are you currently single?"

'Odd question to ask,' I think to myself.

"Why, yes sir."

"Hmm. Interesting. Now, will you be working everyday? And if so, will you want to live in this house with me?"

"Y-Yes sir! I would to both of those questions. I am a very hard worker!"

He squints his eyes and writes something down. I get a little shaky and look down.

"Now, one last question."

"Go ahead."

"What is your sexuality?"

I froze, 'What?!'

"Um, I haven't really put much thought into that question, sir."

"Interesting... Well, Mr. Dennis..."

I was nervous now.


"You got the job."

My eyes went wide and my breathing became shaky.


He smiles, "You got the job."

I stood up and had my hand out for him. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Thank you so much sir! When can I start?"

"Maybe sometime this week. Do you have a house into which you can pack you belongings?"

"Yes sir! When can I move in?"

"I'll have someone to pick up your things soon. Till then, let me show you to your room."

I nodded and followed him.

'This is the best day I've ever had!' I think to myself.

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