Chapter 14

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Evan's P.O.V.

Arriving home wasn't necessarily awful nor tragic. It was relaxing to me because I get to drive home to my baby boy. Also, I liked driving because the view around Los Santos can be pretty... sometimes shitty.

Parking my car, I checked to see if I had everything I needed. Yep, everything was good.

I walked up my door and unlocked it, leaving it open for me to enter.

"Baby boy? I'm home!" I call out.

There was nothing.

Curiosity got the best to me, so I walked up the stairs to check the rooms. He wasn't in his room, not my office, not my other room. I checked my main bedroom and found my precious baby boy asleep in my bed.

It was heartwarming. He was so adorable.

I smile then close the door behind me. I took off my clothes and changed into comfortable pj's for the bed. After doing so, I climbed into the bed next to him and pulled him close. He cuddles into me, smiling.

"Welcome home, daddy," he whispers.

"Hi, baby boy. How was your day?" I ask.

He yawns, "Good... but boring," he sighs. He starts to draw shapes on my chest, "it was sort of boring with out you here though."

"I know, baby boy. I'm sorry I had to work, but look! I came home early!"

He giggles, he then looks up to me with those gorgeous, baby blue eyes of his.

"D-Daddy?" He sheepishly asks.


"I-... I love you," he mutters.

"And I love you!"

"N-No... I mean... I love you... I-I'm in love with you, Evan."

My heart started to skip a beat. My cheeks started to heat up. My mind was going crazy.

"Jon?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He asks with embarrassment.

"Do you want to be together? Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask.

He lit up with excitement and kissed me hard. He was giggling, too.

"Yes, please!" He shouts.

I smile, "Good... and also, I'm in love with you too, Jon."

He smiles and blushes. He then lays on my chest, holding me tight. I look up at the ceiling of him being together with me. Happiness.

Smiling at the thought of it, I close my eyes for some peaceful sleep.


My phone was going off, indicating that I was getting a phone call. I groan and sat up. I picked it up and saw that Craig was calling me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Evan! Finally! Come to my house in an hour," he exclaims.

"Uhh, what? Now? I don't believe I can," I say.

"I'm not asking. I'm telling. My house, one hour! Don't be late."

He hangs up.

That was odd.

I look down at my phone and see what time it was.

'4:48 PM'

Okay then.

I yawn and looked down at the ground. In too much thought. I felt a small pair of arms wrapping around my body with a head resting on my shoulder.

"Daddy? Who was that?" Jonathan asks.

"Craig. He wants me to go to his house for some reason. I don't really know what that is or what I should do, but I have to go," I answer.

He groans and holds me tight, "But I don't want you to go!" He pouts.

"I know, neither do I but I have to!"

He sighs and kisses my shoulder. I smile a bit from that action. He was too cute to leave.

"How about you come with me? Hmm? Keep your daddy from company?" I ask.

He smiles and nods.

"Good, now go get ready, okay?"

He nods then gets up from the bed. But just one more thing.

"And baby boy?" I ask.

He stops at the doorway and runs to me, "Yes daddy?"

I take out the remote control and press the button to it, causing him to moan and shake from the shock collar.

"There will be more of that when we get home," I smirked.

He smiles then hurries off to his room. I chuckle and head to my closet, thinking of what to wear for the rest of the day.

Then my mind wandered to what will happen at Craig's house. What was so important that he wanted me over so soon?

Well whatever it was, it should be interesting.

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