Chapter 3: Princess of Tears

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Thinks to look out for:

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)=Last Name
(F/C)=Favorite Color.
(H/C)=Hair Color
(H/S)=Hair Style
(E/C)=Eye color
(S/F/C)=Second Favorite Color
(F/F)=Favorite Food
(F/S)=Favorite Snack
(F/D)=Favorite Drink


(Y/N)'s Pov

I woke up in my bedroom to the sound of my alarm. I tapped on my alarm to make it stop. I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn. I sat up and stretched my arms out. I scratched the left side of my messy hair and jumped off my bed. I slipped on my slippers and walked over to my makeup desk. I sat down on my chair and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a huge mess. I let out a sigh as I got up and walked to my clothing room. I opened the door and started collect pieces of clothing for my outfit today. I opened a closet to reveal different colored towels. I grabbed a soft (F/C) one and closed the closet. I walked out of the clothing room and proceeded to walk over to my own bathroom. It was huge. Everything always looked to shiny and clean. I placed my towel next to my bath and set my clothes on one of the sink counters. I turned on the bath and waited for it to be just the right temperature.

Tord's Pov

I looked out my window to see if (Y/N) had gone out today. I looked disappointed over at the tree she usually was sitting under. I took out my phone and sent her a message.

'Hey you going out today?'

I was always hesitant on texting her because of that one time I met (Y/N)'s father...


"Okay! I'll see you next week! Farewell Tord."

She bowed and walked off to her home. I let out of love sick sigh. After all these years of meeting up with (Y/N), I had developed a small-

Okay, HUGE crush on (Y/N). But being the wimp I was, I didn't have the guts to tell her. Besides, she'd probably not believe me. She'd probably think I wanted to be with her for the money.

"Hey you!"

I heard an older man voice call out to me. I spun my head towards the direction of the sound only to see a man in a fancy suit walking towards me. I was unsure of what to do in this situation.

"Umm... hello...?"

I answered awkwardly. It seemed to be one of those boring tall business men. He had these dark glasses on so I couldn't see his eyes. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up until we were face to face. Since I was a short tomato, my feet weren't touching the ground. My arm twisted in a way it shouldn't do and it was extremely painful.

"You're name's Tord, right?"

He asked me coldly. I just nodded terrified.

"You better stay away from my daughter (Y/N). She has better things to do than have friends. If you ignore me... I'll make sure you suffer. GOT IT?"

He poked me harshly as he gave me an angry glare.

"Y-Yes sir!"

I stuttered out. I let me go and I fell onto the ground. I let out a small gasp as I hit the ground. I rubbed my wrist as I looked up at him.

"Stay off my property."

With that, he just walked away. I slowly got up and watched him walk off. I had a choice. I couldn't stop meeting (Y/N) completely and leave her alone to become like her father. Or I could ignore her father's threat but there would be a chance I could probably get murdered.


I let out a groan of pain. I wasn't just about to leave (Y/N) all alone with her father. I bit my lip as I gazed off into the icy blue sky.

"I'll never leave you (Y/N)..."

I softly whispered out loud. I let out a sigh and started walking home as I held my wrist.

~Flashback Over~

I scrolled through my pictures that I had taken when I was with (Y/N). Then one caught my eye. I clicked on it so it would enlarge.

A smile escaped my lips as I gazed upon the picture. That picture was taken recently. Originally, I took this picture to prove my friends I knew the (Y/N) (L/N). She was really well known, I mean her dad was super rich so how could she not. My friends didn't still believe me, accusing me of photoshopping it. I just gave up proving my point after that. Now I just kept the picture as a treasured memory. I let out a sigh and looked over at my electric guitar. I stared at it blankly for a few moments. Then I rolled off my bed and walked over to it.

(Y/N)'s Father's Pov

I walked into my daughter's room to check up how organized she was. Every thing seemed in place, but she was no where to be seen. I heard distant sounds of the shower turning off. I let out a blank sigh. Just as I was about to walk out of her room, I heard her phone vibrate. I turned over to glare at it. She doesn't have any friends, what could she possibly getting a notification from? I walked over to it and grabbed it. I brought it up to my view and turned it on. It read as a message sent by...

I squeezed her phone tightly in anger as I read that simple human's name.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I finished squeezing the last drops of water out of my hair. I flopped in back and folded my towel. I was fully dressed so I just left my towel on the hanger. I grabbed my pj's and tossed them into the basket. I walked out my bathroom, only to see my dad looking at my angrily. My eyes widened as he turned his attention to me, looking even more pissed. I knew what was coming.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! WHAT IS THIS?"

He shoved my phone in my face. It read a message from Tord. I gulped and looked down guiltily.

"I... umm..."

I was at lost for words. I knew I was in trouble. Before I could react, he slapped me across my face. I let a yelp and fell to the ground. I let out a whimper as I looked up at my father.


He dropped my phone on the floor beside him. I was a bit confused at first but then He stomped on it multiple times, each time cracking it more. I stared in surprise as I felt tears stream down my cheeks. He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist harshly.


He let me drop to the cold floor. I let out a gasp and my head banged onto the ground. I held my head in pain as I watched my father walk out of my room. My tears dropped onto the cold floor as I looked over at my now crushed phone. I ran my hand down my bruised cheek and I closed my eyes, letting out more tears.

"I'm sorry.."

I whispered softly as I closed my eyes and curled up into a ball as I continued to cry on the floor.

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