Chapter 8: Panic Attack

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Thinks to look out for:

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)=Last Name
(F/C)=Favorite Color.
(H/C)=Hair Color
(H/S)=Hair Style
(E/C)=Eye color
(S/F/C)=Second Favorite Color
(F/F)=Favorite Food
(F/S)=Favorite Snack
(F/D)=Favorite Drink


(Y/N)'s Pov

I lightly gripped my pillow as I laid wide awake at night. The clock had just hit midnight, and.. as usual... I couldn't sleep. My mind ran deep thoughts that worried me. I lifted up my hand and gently ran my hand through my (H/C) hair. I let out a faint sigh as I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. But... I just can't. I squeezed my pillow tighter as I adjusted my head position. After a few moments of silence, I let out a soft grunt of annoyance and sat up on my bed. Clearly I wasn't going to get any sleep if I kept this up. I pulled the bed sheets off of myself and moved my legs off the edge of the mattress. I let out a long yawn as I slightly covered my mouth. I turned on my lamp and rubbed my eyes. I scoot off my bed. My bare feet land on the smooth cold wooden floor. I stand straight up and quietly walk towards my door. I gently placed my hand on the door knob and twisted it. It slowly creaked up. They need to fix these doors to not make so much noise... I slightly walked down the hall until I reached the kitchen. It was slightly illuminated by the dim moonlight. I ran my fingers over the wall as they searched for the light switch. They lifted the switch up before the room glowed up from the light bulb. I slightly squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the new amount of brightness in the room. I walked over and stretched my arms out and grabbed myself a glass from the cabinet. I set it down on the counter before walking over and opening the fridge. I grabbed the milk and gently placed it next to my glass. I opened up the gallon of milk before tilting it over and pouring myself a glass of milk. I placed the milk back in the fridge before lightly closing it's door. I heard the front door creak open so my immediate response was to turn and see who it was. I let out a soft sigh as I realized it was just Tom. Right... he usually goes out drinking in the week. I give him an awkward smiled and slightly wave.

"Hey Tom. You're back 'early'."

I said sarcastically. He turned to look at me with his eyeless glare. I slightly tilted my head in confusion.

"Umm...? Are you okay...?"

I saw his expressionless look turn in a smirk. He started walking over to me before grabbed both of my wrists and slammed me against the wall. I tried pulling my wrists away from his grasps but at las... I'm a small weak human. I bit my lip as I could smell alcohol lurking all over his breath. My face squinted before I shook my face in disgust. I never liked the smell of alcohol.

"Tom... you're drunk and can't think straight... let go of me or I will scream..."

I looked up at him with a hiss of threat. He simply chuckled.

"But why~? *hic* You're the (Y/N) (L/N)~ Everyone is dying to have you be their lover~"

Tom whispered seductively to me. I had enough... I opened my mouth and took a deep breath.


Before I could finish my cry for help, Tom cover my mouth immediately to prevent any other words escaping my lips. I glared up at him as I felt tears form on my face. My heart pounded quickly out of fear of not in control.

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