Interview || @winterinheaven

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We are back with another winner's interview! Yay!

This time, it's winterinheaven who's the winner of the second contest held by GraphicsNation. Her graphics are sooooo good. Here's the graphic that won her first place in the second graphic contest hosted by GraphicsNation :

 Here's the graphic that won her first place in the second graphic contest hosted by GraphicsNation :

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Isn't that banner gorgeous?

Anyway, we decided to interview her as her prize. So, without any further rambling, here's her interview:

When did you start making graphics? Why?

  I started making graphics like in 2014-5 on Google Drawings because I thought that Wattpad's cover maker was crap and wanted to use different background pictures and covers. The product was still crap. Then, in April, 2016 I began using Photoshop CS6, which took a while to learn, then I switched to Photoshop CC.  

Who inspired you to make graphics?

Definitely onderstruck-. I was stalking the Wattpad page and saw that she made the covers so I visited her profile and got started with making my own covers on Photoshop

Who's your favorite designer on Wattpad?

You cannot expect me to choose. Instead, go visit my "Graphic Inspirations" reading list.

What do you find amazing about making graphics?

Well my favorite thing is knowing how to use the Photoshop tools I know to manipulate images and it's just thrilling <3

Which program do you use? Any tricks on that program you know?

Photoshop. My trick: Get photoshop, and spend a week or two figuring out the basic layouts via Google and Youtube. Also, ask around in Wattpad.

Favo(u)rite thing to design?

Covers, I guess, and banners.

Any advice?

My advice would be to learn from other people, never give up hope, and know that all those amazing designers had to start somewhere.

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