Interview || @burstingwords

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We are back with another winner's interview! Yay!

This time, it's burstingwords who's the winner of the fifteenth graphic contest held by us . The graphic is sooooo good. Want to see it? Sure you do! Well, here it is:

 Want to see it? Sure you do! Well, here it is:

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Isn't it gorgeous?

Anyway, we decided to interview them as the prize

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Anyway, we decided to interview them as the prize. So, without any further rambling, we present to you, their interview: [That rhymed didn't it?!]

When did you start making graphics? Why?

I've been making graphics for 4 months because I didn't have anything to do in the summer and I was amazed by a lot of beautiful graphics on Wattpad

Who inspired you to make graphics?

I really don't know. :>

Who's your favorite designer on Wattpad?

I think the list is limitless. But I can name a few: onederstruck- supernovass nightgate whayever

What do you find amazing about making graphics?

Fix people's shitty personality (jkjk). I just love the way my graphics turned out after long hours of designing.

Which program do you use? Any tricks on that program you know?

I use photoshop cc. The only trick I know that is actually counted as a trick is pressing shift while resize pictures so they won't turn out like shit. (I know I'm such a loser.)

Favo(u)rite thing to design?

My life cuz it needs a lot of touch up.

Any advice?

Keep designing like Dory in finding Nemo keeps swimming

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