L.A. Part 4 (balding doorman)

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(I know the picture is from home alone lol it's the only picture that I could find to rightly show what happened)
(Slappys pov)
We head downstairs my head out the backpack. We woke up early this morning I wanted to watch it all unfold in front of us, all my genius planning lead to this, it's about 1:00 am when the doorman would lock up for the day and stop checking on the doors and counting money from the days pay. I motion (y/n) to let me out of the bag, I hop out landing with a silent thud on the tile below us, I pull (y/n) to the side and we watch from around the corner. We have a perfect view as the doorman exits the stairwell near the left wing. The doorman screeches to the janitor who is just finishing his job himself "can't wait to crawl into bed!" Slappy smirks. "You can say that again Tim" the janitor screams back "going back to the misses arnt ya" tim the doorman says. "Yeah you know how the misses is, gotta have me home at a curfew or else she'll love me otherwise" janitor says "ohh yeah don't I know it, hey put in a good word for me Jeff" Tim doorman says "will do Tim now you have a good night now" Jeff says back. "You to goodnight" they pass another goodnight back and forth before leaving to where they were going. I smile sinister like at (y/n)s direction she passes a disappointed and confused look my way, gulp. The door man goes to his desk and scavenges around for the key to his room "fu............" he swears out throwing stuff around I laugh in amusement, he's to loud to hear me over himself. He angrily grabs his hat placing it on his head the acid starts to sizzle I can just hear millions of tiny hairs burning and disappearing never to come back again. He seems to hear it to and rips the hat off his head resulting in the hat breaking and his hair vanishing I say out loud to (y/n) "like one of those bad magic tricks hahahahaha" I say nearly fumbling over on the ground she's slight amused by my joke. I mock "abracaze abracza...aaaaaaaaa my hair!!!!" I'm laughing even harder now this time on the ground. We turn our attention back to over frustrated doorman who just happened to of taken a seat to RELAX himself. I bring my laugh to a slight chuckle, I wait on the q. (Y/n) looks at me with a slight pleased and displeased look on her face. We notice him attempting to Stand up all of a sudden "cuzzzzzzzzripppp" his pants rip opening a huge, butt, hole in the back. Looked like a panel. He screamed running down the hallway where we were. He was to busy to notice. He ran straight to the janitors closet and grabs some limon floor wash that look like water and rinsed his now balding head off then sending floor wash into his eyes he screams for the 100th time and ran to the stair layer falling down them to the bottom floor where a hidden car garage was and drove off........... didn't hear anything more of him that night. I laughed my way to bed........................

(Don't worry he's not dead lol this isn't a death meets love book)

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