Chapter 2: The Thing You Love The Most

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Emily's POV

When we got to Lucas's loft we all sit down on the couch, "what are we gonna do?" Ali asked

"For now let's just hope she's okay" I said

"We can't just sit around and hope she's okay! What if she isn't? What if they have already hurt her? What are we gonna say? 'Sorry Spence we were just sitting around hoping you were okay' No! We have to do something" Hanna yelled

"Do what for example?!? Hanna no even the cops can do anything for 24 hours, I understand that you're mad, were all mad, okay! But just think that
maybe if you didn't kidnap Noel, Maybe Spencer would be here, safe" I yelled regretting the words as soon as they left my mouth, it's not that I didn't mean them, it's the truth but I didn't want to make Hanna feel bad, I'm sure she already feels terrible.

"I know, I know that it's all my fault, I kissed her boyfriend, I involved her in a murder cover-up and I'm the reason she's missing and probably kidnapped, I know that but it's more of a reason to do something about it, I need to fix this"

"No Hanna, look I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel guilty, you didn't kidnap Spencer" I said

"Yeah, Han it's not your fault, you know Spencer wouldn't blame you" Aria said

"I just need to know she's okay" Hanna said worried

"I'm gonna call Jason he's in Philly so it shouldn't take him long to get here" Ali said

"Yeah that's a great idea, I'll call Melissa" Aria said

"I'll call her parents I think don't they hate me" I said

"Nah, they only hate Ali" Hanna said and we all chuckled "No offense" she said looking at Ali "It's okay, it's true" she answered laughing.

"We'll I guess I'll call Caleb and I'll try Toby again" Hanna said, after that we all took our phones out and made the calls

Toby's POV

"I'm so sorry Toby, I didn't mean to, it was an accident I swear" She said crying

"Dammit Spencer all you had to do was be careful, couldn't you do that for us! You ruined everything!!" I yelled angrily and started to walk out the door.

"No wait, Toby where are you going?!?, No no ple- please don't go, Toby don't leave me, I need you!! Wait please I'm sorry!!" She started yelling with tears running down her cheeks I could still hear her when I was out the door. I know I was wrong I know she didn't' t deserve me talking to her like that, I let the anger take over me. I shouldn't have and now I can't make up for it.

They say that when you die or your about to die, you see your life flash before your eyes, I didn't see that. all I got was a flashback of my biggest regret. Loosing Spencer. Losing the love of my life.

I thought it was over. I'm dead. This is it but then I felt something, somebody was doing something to my head, it felt cold water, then started hearing

" .... -rong, just this big wound on his head"

"Good, make sure he stays stable and we'll check on him later"

Wound? Stable? Those are doctors! I'm in a hospital, what happened to me? I try to open my eyes but it's hard, it hurts

It takes me a couple of minutes but I finally opened my eyes and there was one of the doctors that I just heard talking "What happened to me?" I asked him right away.

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