Chapter 5: And It Cannot Be Changed

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Toby's POV

He raped her!, He hurt her!, How the fuck does he dare to lay a hand on her?! Nobody messes with my girl, im gonna murder him, and im gonna make sure he's in the most pain anyone has ever been.

"What?!" I said turning to look at her, I said it a little too loud, I didn't want to but my anger isn't easily contained.

She looked away and I told Tanner to go, this time she didn't fight me, she just left, I looked at Spencer and she had tears on her eyes.

"Hey, shh baby its okay" I said hugging her.

"Im sorry, I know you'll probably get in trouble for fighting with Tanner, im sorry" she said while crying

"No, no Spence its okay, don't you worry about it" I said "Look I understand that youre going throught a lot but I really need to hear the whole story, its would really help the search" I said

"Okay but can everyone else come in?, I don't wanna to tell the story twice" she asks

"Of course and don't you worry, no Tanner" I said and she chuckled, when I turned around to get the others, I realized she was wiping her tears.

Spencer's POV

I was terrified of telling this story, I really was, Im scared of even remembering it.

Toby, my parents, the girls, Jason and Marco, who sudenly came back, came into the room, I gave them a weak smile.

Hanna sat next to me and hold my hand, my mom sat on the other side of the bed and I cuddled with her, not letting go of Hanna's hand.

Everyone else either sat somewhere or standed but they were all looking at me.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to Spence" Aria said

"I need to tell someone and I don't wanna have to tell the story more than once so I rather have you all here" I said and they all nodded.

"So the night that I got kidnapped.... " I said " what was even happening?" I asked

"You don't remember?" Emily asked

"Yes, I remember, I just don't understand" I said

"Well lets start when Emily left her phone upstairs" Hanna said and I nodded "We went to get and we saw Noel, he was saying really creppy stuff so we ran from him, we went to that room full of freaky stuff and throw a shelf at him, then we ran but somehow he catched up and he had an axe"

"What, where did he get and axe?" I said

"I don't know but it was really scary, then he was fighting us and he just dropped the axe and then I might have pushed him a little and his head fell right into the axe so he was beheaded" Emily said

"Of course thats not what she told the cops, according to everyone else at the station Noel tripped right into the axe" Marco said

"Well yeah I lied a little" Emily answered.

"Anyways, after that you, Ali and I saw Noel's head roll down the stairs, so we went up and then Jenna went up and you know that part, so we heard the shot we all ran down the stairs and once we got there we realized you weren't with us so we went back but we didn't find you, all we found was Mary Drake with blood on her head" Aria said

"Mary Drake? What was she even doing there?" I asked

"Ali knows but she dosen't wanna tell us" Hanna said, I turned to look at Ali and noticed she and Jason were looking at my parents, thats weird!

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