Chapther 6: The Persistance Of Memory

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Toby's POV

After that stupid telephone fight we had with Tanner, Marco and I went back into the room with Spencer, I know she was terrified those few minutes she spend by herself but like always she's trying to stay strong for other people, god I love her, why is she so Perfect?!

After Marco left, I was the happiest man alive, Marco is my friend and the best boss I've ever had so 6 months ago, when he told me he was into Spencer, I was hoping they would get together, I even helped him get the perfect date with her, but thats when I was with Yvonne and trying to deny my love for Spencer, now that I have accepted she's the love of my life, Marco is pretty much in the way, not the only thing, there are plenty of things in our way but Marco definatly makes the list, im glad his here throught, he really cares about Spencer and I know we would have never found her if it wasn't for him, I know he would do everything to protect her just like I would besides she likes having him here.

But he had to go so I get to be alone with Spencer, should I tell her how I feel, I mean she deserves to know, right? I'll tell her, I probably won't get to be alone with her for a while.

"Spence" I said and she turned to look at me.

"I've been waiting for us to be alone for a long while, I didn't think it would happen this soon" I continued, I think that sounded a little creepy, maybe I should have started differently.

"Why?" She said and chuckled a bit, I love her laugh, its so adorable, I love everything about her, its all so beautiful and cute, just like she is.

"I still love you"


"Im in love with you, I've been in love with you since I got out of house arrest and you took me to the Rosewood look out point, I fell in love with you in that moment and nothing has changed that feeling for 7 years, I've pretended it had but it didn't and I don't know why I have denied it" I said Maybe a little too fast, did I freak her out? I probably freaked her out! Damn it Toby after everything she's gone through you can't just drop a bomb on her like that!

"I..... I... don't know what to say" She answered

"You don't have to say anything" I said sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Yes, I do, it just doesn't feel right, you're engaged, wait its been six months! Did you and Yvonne already got married?!" She asked

"What?! No! Do you think I would be planning a wedding while you were missing? Do you think I would have wasted that time that I could have used to look for you?!" I said

"Didn't you guys thought I was dead?!"

"No, well I mean yeah, kind of, I never believed that and I never gave up on you and I never will, but the official report said you were dead"

"Why?" She asked

"About a month and a week ago or something like that, Tanner said Marco and I had 30 days to find you or the case will be closed, we tried to stop her but she threatened to go to court"


"Yeah, when a police officer doesn't wanna close a case for personal reasons another police officer can go to court and make them, I usually wouldn't mind, it had only been 5 months so we would have probably won or at least gotten more time but I was scared of things about you getting dig up in court" (Authors Note: I totally made that up, maybe its true but I have no idea so don't trust me very much)

"Things like what?"

I didn't wanna sound mean but I couldn't lie to her "well Spence, look I obviously don't think that about you but if Tanner told the judge how many times you've been arrested and suspected and how you once were a patient in a mental institution, I don't think everything would have worked out very well for us and I knew all Rosewood would have gone to that trial, your kidnap is like the biggest news of the year, a lot of people would be there hearing Tanner critize you, tell lies and be mean, I didn't want all of Rosewood to think about you the way Tanner does, thats not the kind of person you are" I said, I was trying really hard not to make emphasis (A/N: idk how to spell that sorry) on the bad things, are those tears on her eyes? Damn it! I made her cry, god I suck.

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