Chapter 4: Moments Later

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Marco Furey's POV

(Last Night) Toby and I went to this abandoned house cause some neigbor filled a complain saying they always hear a lot of screams and weird noises coming from that house and nobody lives there, so we came to check it out, the first floor is literally empthy, no furniture, nothing at all, then I saw The door to the basement "hey, im gonna go see if theres anything in the basement" I said

"Ok, i'll check the backyard" Toby said

I went down the stairs to the basement, I didn't think I was gonna find anything, I could already see myself going next door to that lady to tell her there was nothing to see in that house when I went down I heard some thing, it was really quiet, it sounded like.... I don't know... kind like handcuffs. I got closer to that noise and see somebody and chain behind them.

"Hello? Who's there?" I said

"Oh my god, Marco, is that you?" Spencer said, wait SPENCER!!

"Spencer!!" I said putging my gun away and sitting on the floor next to her, thats when I can actually see her, she looks terrible, poor thing, she's so full of scars and bruises and blood and she's chained by her waist, she huggs me and I realize how much weigh she's lost, she also starts crying on my shoulder, I hug her back "shhh its okay Spence, everything's gonna be okay" I say she just keeps sobbing.

"Hey" I say pulling away a little "Toby's upstairs im just gonna let him know youre here okay?" I asked and she nodded so I took my walkie-talkie
(A/N: I really don't know if that thingy cops use is called a walkie-talkie but whatever you know what I mean) "Toby, Toby can you hear me?"

"Yeah, whats up? Did you find something?"

"Yeah, Spencer's here"

"What?!?!" He yelled and I heard his footsteps running towards the stairs.

"Spence!" He said as he came towards us, I pulled away so he coud hug her.

I stood up and called for back up and an ambulance while Toby tried to take to chain off her, he was odviously not sucessfull so I went to the squad car and got out a tool that could break the chain.

Once it was broken and Spencer was free she tried to get up but she must have twisted her ankle or something because she couldn't stand up, so Toby picked her up bridal style, I ran up the stairs because I heard the ambulance, They brought her in and Toby and I got in too, we went to the hospital with her.

The doctor said she had a lot of cuts, scars and bruises and she'll had to stay a while in the hospital but she'll be fine, since her parents got here I was gonna go and Toby seemed like he was gonna follow me.

"Wait!" Spencer said

"Something wrong?" I said at the same time Toby said "are you ok?!" Both of us worried

"Can you guys stay with me? I know my parents are here but theyre probably gonna spend the whole night figthing with the cops and the doctors besides they don't have guns, I'll just feel safer if you guys stay, please?"

"Yes, of course" Toby and I said at the same time, we both chuckled about it and sat on the chairs to both of her sides, nobody said a word and I saw Spencer fall asleep about 5 minutes later.

(Today) "I called Tanner, she dosen't believe me" I said walking into the room, I see Toby sitting in the couch, Spencer's mom sitting on the bed right next to her and her dad is standing up on The other side of the bed.

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