Chapter 10: The Whole Truth

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Mary Drake's POV

(Before Spencer got kidnapped, but not like right before, idk use your imagination)ii

I would usually not trust a stranger like this but this time its different, its for my daughter, I'm doing this for Charlotte, I know it may be dangerous but if this AD person knows who killed her, I'm gonna have to trust them.

Isn't it weird how they never take that mask off? I guess its they're thing, anyways I just walked into a room with a chalkboard like the ones the police have, with Charlotte's picture in the middle and a bunch of arrows and post its with pictures of other people, I see Spencer and Alison among them and I think this is Jason even tho it would be hard to tell because he looks really different with short hair but I'm pretty sure that's him, I also know none of them did it, Ali loved Charlotte, and Jason and Spencer are really good people, they would never hurt anyone.

What I don't know is if I should be worried about Ali and Spencer's friends? Are they dangerous? Are they bad?

Then I see all the other pictures just to get an idea of who do they think killed Charlotte and I see someone I've seen before but I'm not sure who he is either, well whoever that is this AD person thinks he's most likely who killed Charlotte.

Spencer's POV

"Spencer, you are my daugther and I love you"

why did they lie to me? For years, Ive felt so out of place, so unwanted, I always thought it was my fault, that there was something wrong with me, my parents never loved me as much as they loved Melissa and I blamed myself for that, if only I had known, it was never my fault, they didnt love me the same because I wasn't there daugther, of course they loved Melissa more, I understand.

I completely understand and I dont know why im crying, guess the realization hit me hard, my whole life has been a lie, my parents aren't my parents and the person I believed to be the devil herself, mary drake who 5 minutes ago I was Convinced she was AD, now is my mother.

Mary fucking Drake, out of all the people in the world who could be my biological mom, it had to be Mary fucking drake, Charlotte's mother.

She could still be A.D. tho

Toby's POV

Ali didn't answer Spencer's question but she sat closer to her and rubbed her shoulder a little, but she wouldn't react, she just stayed still, staring into space again, I understand that she's shocked but it really worried me to see her like that.

"Spence?" I asked yet agagain

"I'm fine" she said slowly

"Are you sure??" Alison asked

"Can you go?"

"Spence I don't think that a great ide-"

"Please just go I need some time to process this!" She said a little louder than I expected her to talk, but about 3 seconds later, Alison got up and started walking out.

"You too" she said to me (Spencer said to Toby)

"But Spence-"

"Please I just wanna be alone for a little while" she said with tears in her eyes

"I don't think you should be alone right now"

"Toby please just leave me alone!" She said desperately

"I don't wanna leave your side"

"Please!" She yelled again, this time she couldn't holds her tears anymore.

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