Chapter 8: All That You Can't Leave Behind

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Toby's POV

OMG! Im the worst person on the planet, I did this to her, its all my fault, if only I had contained my fucking anger poor Spence wouldn't be in so much trouble, I runnied everything for her.

"Spence, im so so so sorry , I don't do- , I don't even know what to say, how do I even begin to apologize, my god I-"

"Its not your fault"

"Yes it is, I shouldn't have done that, i- it was wrong an-"

"Toby!" She says interrupting me


"When you said you loved me, you know like 5 minutes ago, Did you mean it?"

"What? Of course I meant it Spencer, I wouldn't play with your feelings like that, specially not after Caleb"

"I love you too" She says and my eyes widen

Spencer's POV

"You do?" He asks entusiastically, he sounds like a little kid who was just told santa is downstairs.

"Yeah, I always have, you probably think that after what happened I hated you but I didn't, Toby I could never hate you"


"Wow? What do mean wow?"

"I just didn't expect you to say you love me back and I certainly didn't expect you to say that youre not mad at me for that"

"Well do are those unexpected results good?"

"They're great" he says leaning in to kiss me, I was gladly kiss him back.

"Hey Spence, I bought you so-" my dad says walking into the room, Toby and I pull away as soon as we hear his voice.

"Oh! Im sorry should I-" he says pointing at the door asking if he has to go again.

"No, no, its okay, actually im feeling a little better, but don't get your hopes up, its not a good thing, it just means im hungry" I said, Toby and my dad chuckled while he gave me my dinner, it was spaggetti, my favorite, he also bought two packed sandwiches, one for him and one for Toby.

After we all ate, Toby put on a movie, I didn't really know the movie and I didn't pay much attention to it, after all i've been watching movies all day and they all bored me, just like this one,I fell asleep soon after it started even tho it was only like 6 pm, im exhausted.

Mary Drake's POV (weren't expecting that ha!)

Jason and Ali haven't come home yet, they left this morning and its 6:30 pm, should I be worried? Im not there mother but im there family and im running out of family, I called Ali a while ago but she didn't answer me.

Just as my worried thoughts keep going around my head, I hear the door open, I run hoping it was them and I was right.

"Hey" I said as they walked in

"Hi" Ali said smiling

"How is she?"

"She's been kidnapped and tortured for 6 months, how do you think she is?!" Jason said rudely

"Jason!" Ali said hitting his elbow.

"Its okay, but really tell me, please how is she? Is she in pain? Scared?"

"She's got more physical injuries than you could posibly count but she seemed happy when we came in, she even managed to tell us What happened to her with barely any tears being dropped"

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