Don't You Dare.

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A\N fuck waiting I'm gonna write the next chapter now before the cliffhanger I set up has any chance to be mysterious. That's if I don't take 5 years to write it.

~~Jack's POV~~
"Jack?" I heard a voice calling out to me. A voice I knew. A voice I've been hearing for a long time. Mark's voice. If he's here he will have seen the mess I made or should I say the mess he made. He must think I'm crazy. I opened one ocean blue eye. There he stood and ,to my surprise, concern filled his coco coloured eyes. His red floof of hair was messy, probably from the flight. Did he really come all this way for me? I should have hid this from him better.

"You really shouldn't have come" I mumbled looking at my feet slightly. Tears pricked at his eyes.

"And abandon my best friend!?" Mark's voice was shaking slightly and filled with fear. I lower the knife a bit. He had stepped forward a bit.

"Mark, please I'm just going to hurt you..." I whispered loud enough for him to hear but nobody else. My phone pinged again and again as notifications for tweets came in fast. "I'm...I'm better off dead" I stated moving the knife over my chest again. "Don't you dare" Mark's deep voice came out shaking but commanding. A tear rolled down his cheek and splatted on the marble floor.

"don't, whatever made you think this" Mark gestured to the living room " I can help you through this!" Mark was practically yelling and even though he tried to stop crying tears continued to hit the floor, weaving between the tiles. I felt a lump in my throat and tried to swallow it, to no avail.

"Even if I tell you what's wrong you'll think I'm crazy" I yelled back letting tears fall. Mark took another step toward me.

"That doesn't matter! You're one if my closest friends" Mark paused to wipe his eyes on the sleeve of his dark coat. "Please just put the knife down, if not for yourself then for me or you fan base". The words echoed in my head I could imagine all of the people I would hurt, all of the people who turn to my videos to laugh and be happy. One image pushed its way forward in my mind. All of my friends Felix, Ken, Wade, Mark and Robin at my funeral. I don't want to die this way. I dropped the kitchen knife and it clattered as it hit the floor. Soon followed by me falling to my knees. Mark rushed froward ,sliding the knife away with his foot, and hugged me close to his chest. I buried my face in to warm chest and sobbed. Mark rubbed circles on my back. I haven't felt so safe since this all started.

~~Mark's POV~~
I tried to sooth Jack as he sobbed. Damn, I hate to see him like this. I could feel Jack's tears through my shirt and his warm breath. I looked around the kitchen it wasn't in much better condition than the living room. Similar messages where scrawled on to the walls and knifes where left on every counter. Jack seemed to have calmed down a bit as his breathing had mostly returned to normal with only the occasional hic (A\N I don't know the thing your breathing does when your cry and trying not to. You get it. Yeah you right at the back. They get my drift). I lifted Jack's face from my chest and looked into his beautiful eyes. "Jack why is this happing to you?" I asked the question in a soft, supportive tone.

"I don't know his motive but it's his fault" Jack spoke in his Irish accent. His fault! who is this he? Who ever he is I'll show him not to mess with Jack.

"Who is he?" I asked trying to contain the volcano of rage in my chest. He looked at his knees then spoke quietly

"you promise you won't think I'm crazy if I tell you?" Jack was extremely timid about the subject. It confused me a bit why I would think Jack was crazy.

"Promise, I'm here to help" I answer holding one of Jacks hands and putting three fingers up on the other as if I were a scout doing his promise.

"Anti...Antisepticeye" Jack mumbled. Anti? Jack's creepy pasta! Then again it makes sense Jack has only been getting less like him self after he did the first 'scary cam' ,as the fans called it.

"So the scary cam thing was real?" I questioned. Jack looked up at me again

"yeah, but I don't know why." He didn't look like he was lying.

"hey its fine I'll help you get rid of Anti" I meant every word of that sentence. Jack seemed happier. I suddenly felt responsible for Jack. I will protect him!

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