A̵b̶o̵u̷t̷ ̴t̶i̴m̸e̵ ̶w̴e̸ ̴g̶o̷t̶ ̷b̵a̵c̶k̴ ̴o̷n̸ ̷t̷r̷a̴c̸k̴~̸

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~~Jack's POV~~
I'm not sure how I got to this point but I'm happy about it. I'm sitting on the sofa, at much better weight, with Mark half-asleep on my shoulder. We had spent the last two days restoring my house to its former glory. That had exuasted us both and we were having a lazy evening. I'm surprised I have managed to go so long without incident. I take a long, satisfied breath. I lean my head onto Mark's and let the darkness of sleep take over.

Maybe four hours later I was awoken by a voice. His voice.
This has been ab-so-lutely adorable to watch be I'm going to have some fun now, Jackie~.
Before I could imagine what he meant by that a sharp, clawing like feeling attacked my head. I screamed a blood-curdling scream as a burning, searing pain shoot from my head to my toes. I curled up tightly and gripped my head in agony. Unsurprisingly, Mark was awake within moments.

"Jack!" He shouted voice dripping with shock. He swiftly moved in front of me and comfortingly put his arms in my shoulders. "What's happening? how can I help?"

"Anti- ahh -taking" I manage to choke out. Mark seemed to get the jist of what was happening. But that didn't mean he knew how he could help. "Away... please" I pleaded. He didn't seem to like the idea but removed his hands from my shoulders and stood back a bit. I could feel myself losing consisness. No. He can't. He'll-. My thoughts were interrupted by losing consisness and control. I heard

"Jack! Fuck!" Before my senses went.

~~Mark's POV~~
I shook Jack gently. Then harder. Harder still.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I rushed to the phone by the wall and dialed 999.

"Hello what service do you need?" The voice on the end of the phone asked.

"I need an ambulance my friend passed out for no reason!" I exclaimed.

"Of course sir, where are-". The phone cut off and the lights flickered out. The sound of someone clicking their tongue echoed behind him. I gulped. Footsteps came closer.

"Now now now, Mark, we don't need a ambulance..." The creater threated in a smooth, malicious voice "yet." I turned around and swiftly throwing a punch at it. The monster effortlessly dodged it. "Come on now Mark" the monster with Jack's face smiled. He slammed me into the wall by the neck. "Don't want to hurt Jack would you?" He snarled.

"Fu-ck...y-ou" I spluttered out trying to get the monsters grip to loosen. He laughed, no laugher is to nice of a word, he cackled.

"Aww, that's cute." He pressed harder drawing blood from me with his long nails. The pain seared me like fire. "Do you know how easy it would be snap your neck? How fun it would be?" He paused as if to let me reply like I'm not struggling to breath let alone anything else. " It would make my day!" He exclaimed joyfully "but! Then Jack would go to jail and inturn me." He spoke as if I were a child! I weakly raised a fist to try to hit him. It barley does anything. I'm too deprived of oxygen for it to be of any use. I can feel myself passing out. He slapped me and dropped me unceremoniously. "It's rude to pass out while the villain is monologuing" Anti laughed. Before I can scramble away to try and find a weapon he puts  a foot on my chest. It feels like the monster is going to crush my ribs although he is barely applying any pressure. "As I was saying you're a really thorn in my side" his face warped from his unerving grin to a mask of pure disgust. "Keeping him...happy..." He spat the word happy as of it were poison in his mouth. "It's so much harder to completely destroy him with you around."

"Good-" I shouted before he stomped on my chest cutting me off. I heard something crack. I cried out in pain. "Jack, please!"

Anti cackled "there's no help for you from him!"

~~Jack's POV~~
"Nonono fuck!" My shouts were slienced by Anti's control. I was forced into the back seat of my own body. Mark was under my foot bleeding and in pain.

"Jack... fight him... please" Mark cried. Anti responded by kicking him in the side.

"No!" I have to fight back. I hit the walls of my cage and the body seems to recoil. I do it again and kick and scratch just anything to get control. The body crashed into a bookcase that fell down. Anti, in his full gliching horror, appeared behind me. I turned around.

"You pest! I'll kill you and your precious boyfriend!" He roared.

"No you won't this is my body and you will learn that!" I growled back. He runs at me with a knife that appeared out of thin air. I dodge his attack and kick him in the back as he passed he lunged at me with the knife and I catch it by having it go through my palm. I grunt but use the opportunity to kick Anti in the balls. I remove the knife and turn it against him slashing at his neck. Anti recovered quicker than I thought he would and teleported away. This is my head anything he can do I can do. I consestrate and find myself behind Anti. I am stunned I managed it but take the chance to stab Anti in the back. The screamed and started speaking in a language I don't understand. He turns around.

"You may have won this battle but your boyfriend isn't doing too well. Definitely broke a few ribs" he snarled.

"Scram" I said simply "or else" I threaten. He growled but dissappered. I feel myself returning to consisness. As soon as I am I call 999 on my phone. "I need help my friend is hurt badly" I shouted in distress before the operator can ask. I told her my address and said there would be an ambulance soon. I don't know what to do. I felt something touch my hand I turned around to see it's just Mark.

"You did well" he whispered before coughing. I held his hand and rubbed a my thumb over the top of it.

"Shh shh don't speak save your energy there's an ambulance coming" I reassured moving closer to him. He started to close his eyes. "No Mark stay with me! Don't close your eyes!" I whispered.

" 'm tryin', Jack" Mark muttered.

After what feel like years but was actually five minutes the ambulance sirens came. 

"See Mark the ambulance is near now you'll be fine" Jack reassured. Mark weakly smiled. Paramedics burst in and assured me away from Mark. Reluctantly I complied. I'm in shock. My body feels numb. I watch them work.

"Sir please come with me" a paramedic tells me softly. Placing a hand on my shoulder.

"He's...Mark's... He'll be okay won't he?" I ask no taking my eyes off the man in question. I can see the medic wince in the corner of my eye.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't ensure anything" she says. I start to shake and cry. The medic takes me and sits me down inside one of the ambulances. A blanket is put over me and a different medic takes my hand and I feel a sting of pain. I look to see that my hand has a deep wound. Nothing that serious but I was oblivious to it before. I see them take Mark away on a stretcher with a oxygen mask and a drip attached to him. I get up. I have to go with him.

"Sir where are you going?" The paramedic working on my hand asked. I reply in one word "Mark". The medic stood. " I'm sorry sir you can't go with him."

"You don't understand I need to go with him" I say exasperated.

"I get you want to but you may inhibit the paramedics ability to work on him."

"What if I don't get to see him again?" I shouted still in tears. I could see this wasn't the first time the medic had seen something like this.

"I understand sir, please, calm down. I understand this is a lot but for best chances of living he needs to go alone." As the words were said the ambulance shot away sirens blasting. "We can give you a lift to the hospital if you want, that way you can see him as soon as he's stable. Yeah?" The medic reasoned. I nodded. Quickly and got in to the ambulance.

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