Hospital Trips,Worry and...Misconceptions?

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~~Mark's POV~~
There are faces. None of them are Jack's. There are lights and everything is going in and out of focus. Is this where I die? No I have to see Jack again. A doctor is telling me to stay awake. I try so hard but I can't. "J-Jack" I mumbled almost unable to get the word out. I pass out cold.

~~Jack's POV~~
I have been pacing since they told me to wait here. I'm starting to hate this waiting room. In fact I just hate hospitals, white and boring and smelling like sterilisation spray. Seconds pass like weeks and minutes pass like years.

Eventually, the woman at the desk calls me up. I rushed over. She tells me and I run to the room with her shouting about not running. 62. 63.64.65. 66! I slowly open the door and enter the room. Mark's pale, unconscious and hooked up to machines. It's a grim sight. All I can do is sit in the chair beside him. I still feel quite numb. A doctor comes in

"Ahh hello you must be Mr McLoughlin, I actually just came into check on your partner" he says politely. He walked to the monitor and wrote something's down on his clipboard. The numbness that I guess is shock made me take longer to process what the doctor said.

"Oh no he's not my partner just a close friend" I say flatly.

"I apologise sir I shouldn't have assumed but from what I heard the paramedics say and how quickly you got here after he was made stable did make it seem that way" the doctor apologies. "In fact the last thing he say before the surgery was "Jack"" he said casually as he finished his check up.

"Really..." I mumbled. He nodded before leaving. I feel myself falling asleep.

"What happened?" The police officer asked.

"I don't understand what you mean" I stammered. A light is shone on me all of a sudden and I shield my eyes with a hand.

"Don't play dumb with us! We know you have something to do with the assault of Mark" a second police officer growled.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed. The room, the light, the police dissappered. Anti stood there slightly hunched over and with bandages on his torso.

"You technically didn't" he said calmly "but when asked you can't say 'the evil version of me attacked my boyfriend' because they'll put you in a psy ward" he continued. He looked up at me. "You need to get your story straight."

I scoffed. "thanks for the sage advice there, it was grand" I say sarcastically. "And Mark isn't my boyfriend" I say.

He laughed. "I'm in your head Jack. I know more about you that you do." he smiled and dissappered. I wake to a soft "Jack? Jack?." I see Mark awake reaching a hand out. I take his hand without a second thought.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine" he replied. I worried my lip. "What are we going to do when they ask what happened?" I asked. Mark thought for a moment.

"I'll sort it out" Mark replied calmly rubbing a thumb over my hand. I nodded.

"I'm sorry for what he did" I apologise.

"It's okay, you came through in the end" he reassured with a smile. The door opened and a nurse popped her head in.

"Sorry sir but visiting hours are over" the nurse tells me.

"Ahh, can't I stay overnight?" I questioned hopefully. I don't want to leave Mark alone.

"Not unless you're the family or the significant other of Mr Fischbach" she replied simply. I nodded and reluctantly walked out of Mark's room with a quick goodbye.

The next day I returned to Mark's hospital room. About half of the way through a police officer came in.

"Hello I'm detective inspector Clayton. I'm here to ask a few questions about the injuries Mr Fischbach received yesterday" he said formally. Mark smiled.

"Okay, what first?" He asked.

"What do you remember happening?"

"Well..." I pause as if to think "me and Jack were having a day off when he passed out suddenly. I called 999 when a fuse or something must have must have blown as the lights and the phone went out. During the lights being out I must have bumped into the bookshelves as it fell on me." I tell him waiting for him to note it down " next thing I remember Jack gets the bookshelf off me and waiting with me until the ambulance arrived" I tell him.

"What about you Mr McLoughlin?" He asked.

"When I regained consciousness it was dark so I turned on my phone torch then I saw Mark under the bookshelf. I managed to get if off him then I stayed with him until the ambulance arrived" I tell him. The detective nodded taking down notes.

"Mr McLoughlin could step out of the room for a few minutes" he asked me. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off with "it's just protocol". I reluctantly leave the room. I don't know what could be asked that wouldn't be appropriate to be asked with me in the room.

~~Mark's POV~~
The fact Jack had been asked to leave was... Worrying to say the least.

"The neighbors told us that they had heard shouting. Is your partner abusive? Tell you to lie to us?" The words were gently but the force they held still shocked me. I didn't even realise the use of partner.

"Jack would never hurt me" I replied confidentiality. The police man nodded.

"Okay, sir. I'll be going now." he told me, standing to exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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