Data Log 1.

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Its a video that starts with an image of a lady that seem to be around the age of 22. She has dark brown hair in a messy bun, and a face with a adorable, cheerful look. Her skin is relatively pale but flawless like a new sheet of paper. The lady had larger dark green eyes. Her lips were fairly full and voluptuous. The background is a bedroom that is fairly colourful dotted with scientific-looking equipment. The rest is too blurry to make out.



Her voice sounds sweet as she begins to speak. "So, I thought I needed to record this, I mean look at it!" She exclaimed holding up a reddy-blue rock that seemed to glow dimly, so the camera could capture it. "Okay so I was walking in the woods near my house and I got a bit lost, then out of no where I trip over this!" She shakes the stone slightly to emphasise her point, before putting it down. "So, naturally, I am intrigued, as I have never seen anything like it before. I took it home with me and did some research-" She pauses then continues "And I found that no-one else has ever seen it before, and the area I had wandered into was known for sightings of strange people." She quickly grabs her phone and taps a few things before continuing to talk. "For instance, one person saw a man with white 'wings'" the lady put air quotes around 'wings' before showing her phone to the camera. The screen displayed a picture of the woods, with a man standing in the center. Strange white things were attached to his back, but the image was too blurred. "I know this looks like it was taken on a potato, so here are some more." She swiped through 6 or 7 relatively clear photos all depicting human figures with something wrong about them. "And finally a eye witness account" she cleared her throat and began reading "so I was walking in Áilleacht forest and had gotten lost, when I saw someone kneeling on the dirt a little ways away from me. I called out to see if the person could help but when they turned around their eyes where all white and their face had a look of terror. After that they just...disappeared" she stopped, Putting her phone back out of shot. "So I decided to do my own tests and of them all, the most significant is the result of setting it on fire, I'll show it now."

The video begins to shake as the camera was picked up and the lady runs somewhere. Her slender legs clothed in jeans are the only thing that could be seen due to the shaking camera. After a few seconds, she came to a halt. Grass could be seen before the camera was brought back up to shoulder level. The camera could now see a piece of the rock in the centre of a fire pit. The rock burned with a blue flame. "This has been burning since yesterday. I left it overnight expecting for it to have burned out, but it hasn't!" The camera turned so the lady's face was shown again. "If I had the right technology to, I could potentially create an energy source that could power places for years!" Her face was of pure excitement, like a child in a sweet store. "But for now I have nothing else to share. Bye!"

The image froze, then turned pitch black.

'Next Log?'

these eyes are not mine -----> septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now