Housewife Mark.

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A/N it's clever because on a panel Mark and jack and someone else played a game and Jack needed a house wife in the game and Mark got bad cards and was like 'but I wanted to be your housewife'. So how many people did I annoy with the excessive use of and. He gets it. yeah, him at the back. 😁 Someone stop me. No one will stop us and that's fine

~~Mark's POV~~
Looking at Jack closer he is a lot thinner than his should be and he had rather large bags under his crystal blue eyes.

"When was the last time you slept properly or ate?" I quizzed​ in a stern tone. Jack's face scrunches up slightly in thought. The fact Jack had to think about the last time he ate or slept didn't help my concern.

"Umm I... I don't know" Jack admitted one hand rubbing his neck. I looked at Jack in disbelief.

"Okay I'm going to make you some food then your going to get some sleep" I commanded with authority and Jack didn't seem to protest. I got up, Jack copying my movement. I moved the various knives off the breakfast bar and other counters. Jack sat on the green bar stool. I opened the fridge. Not much it here... but enough for a stir fry. I take the things out and start cooking. Cooking really relaxes me.

~~Jack's POV~~
As Mark cooks ,what already smells great, I looked around at my destroyed kitchen and remembered the state of the rest of my house. Actually I think the only room that isn't trashed is my recording room. As I think I realised everyone is probably still worried from my tweet. Shit. I picked up my phone. The tweets where still coming in but at the top was Felix and Wade And Bob. 'Jack what's happening?' Felix tweeted. 'Jack don't scare us. Is this part of your Halloween thing?' Wade tweeted. Along with most of my community. I send out a tweet 'hey guys sorry to worry you...I wasn't in my right mind but I'm mostly fine. Mark and his surprise visit stopped me doing anything stupid' I sent the tweet to the relief of everyone. Felix replies 'what the hell was wrong with you to make you send a tweet like that. You gave most of us a heart attack!'. 'heh sorry again...but I was and still am going through some shit' I typed quickly. 'care to tell me?' Felix tweets probably still concerned. I waited a little before replying 'not yet...'. Felix replied with 'okay but remember I'm one call away. We all are you can talk to us.' I chuckled to myself a bit 'yeah I know' I sent the tweet and put my phone down. The scent of what Mark is cooking made my stomach rumble. It smells so fucking good. I couldn't help but notice how Mark was almost dancing to imagery music. Honestly it's adorable. My eyes traveled down Mark's back lower and lower. I felt my face heat up slightly. I moved my eyes swiftly. After a few minutes of not much sound other than the sizzling of cooking food and breathing Mark turned around.

"Umm..where are your plates?" He quizzed. I lift myself from my perch on the bar stool to find the cupboard with plates in. The cupboard in question had a large scar in that went through the wood. I opened it and took out one of my, admittedly plain, plates. As Mark plated up the food I could see that the stir fry had (A/N my phone wants to auto-correct chicken to children) chicken in and some peppers. When Mark had finished plating up I carefully carry it to my seat. Mark sat across from me. I started eating the aromatic food and just as I thought it tasted really good. I realise Mark hadn't plated any food up for him.

"Mark have you eaten?" I questioned.

"Well not since before the plane journey" He answered. I look at my plate and put some food onto my fork. I bought it up to Marks mouth

"You need to eat too" I stated waiting for Mark to eat it.

"It's fine I made the food for you" Mark stated. I made my pouty face causing Mark to smile and eat the food off the fork. After he had swallows the food he spoke "There. Happy?" I nodded and laugh slightly. After I looked at the clock, that somehow avoided being destroyed, and saw it was really late. Normally I wouldn't sleep but Mark insisted I go to sleep.

I entered my room to change. Mark knocked on the closed door

"Hey where should I sleep?" He questioned. I have my spare room...but what if I have another nightmare? I opened the door now in baggy PJs. I looked at the floor slightly.

"I do have a spare room....but...the reason I haven't been sleeping is... because of nightmares" I state a bit embarrassed at what I am going to ask. "Could.... could you sleep in here...with me? At least just for today. You just make me feel safer" I asked quietly. Mark blushed a bit too.

"Um sure" Mark replies. He disappeared for a few moments before returning in pyjamas. I got into the bed and Mark joined me. I pull the light green quilt up. I feel quite relaxed more than I have before these few days. I'm pretty sure I ended up with head on Marks chest but I actually slept properly.

A\N wooo I updated my story. So yeah sorry for not updating sooner school and an operation on my mouth kept me busy but I hey. Merry Christmas everyone😄.
Wolf out~

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