Data Log 3.

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The video started with the intrigued face of Wiishu. As the video starts Wiishu throws a glance behind herself making her bun flop from one side to the other. "Okay so I've been working here for 10 weeks now..." She whispered. She looked around again before continuing "and I was wandering around the areas I could access, until I found these on a Mr Anderson's desk." Wiishu picked up a stack of photos from out of view and ,after coughing into her arm, showed a few to the camera. The first one was a picture of a woman with arms resembling those of a bear, the second a man with wings, third a pair of children levitating objects, a teen whom was composed of dark smoke below the hips and she continued down the stack of pictures shows people who all had strange, paranormal things about them. "Interesting right? But these could all be fake that's what I thought when I first saw them" Wiishu reasoned. She raised a finger and glanced at the rest of the room as if she expected someone to burst in any minute. "but I got my tech nerd friend to see if they had been Photoshoped and she said if it was Photoshop it was a damn good fake" Wiishu exclaimed almost immediately regretting it as her face turned to mild panic. Luckily, no bad seemed to immediately come from this discussion. "This place is still very much my ideal job and my energy source is getting there but I'm confused and a bit concerned about these" Wiishu stated with an array of hand gestures. She leaned in closer so not much else was in frame. "I have over heard conventions with my superiors that seem irrelevant to an eco friendly energy production company." She whispered. Leaning back she coughed a little more violently into her arm. "Wait" she stated plainly. Wiishu raised herself from her chair to rummage around in the draws of her work space. The scientist smiled and brought another photo to the camera. The photo depicted a man with neon green hair who's arms when from pale and human looking to midnight black and with spiked fingers. Another male stood by him. This figure had black hair that lead into a dark red colour. Smoke hung in the air around him. The last thing in the photo was an eye around the size of the average humans head. It defied gravity by merely floating around the other figures. It was a sickly green colour and had a blue iris. "I found these especially intriguing and stole the photo, well I am going to keep it more than anything else as I did steal all of these" Wiishu admitted. "I'm going to return the rest now, so bye"

Black screen.

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