Data Log 4

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Wiishu's bun messed up, more than usual, and her eyes have bags under them. She readjusted the glasses that rest on her nose before beginning to speak. "So it been a long time since I made a log" Wiishu admitted stretching out the 'o' in long. "But!" She exclaimed gaining energy from seemingly no where "I finished it! My superiors are really happy, say I'm definitely in the running for a promotion." The energy faded and she yawned. "As you can tell it meant I had a lot of late nights" the scientist informed the camera before coughing. She picked up the camera and showed her energy source. The glow of the stone was no longer visible as a case of metal was set around it and wires stuck out of it at many angles. The camera was put back on the desk. "So yeah. I'm going to sleep" the sentence was punctuated with a yawn.

Black screen.

The camera turned back on.

Wiishu still looked tried but it was overshadowed by the fact she was biting her lip. "So I found a blueprint." The lady seemed worried to talk about this. She fidgiting with a stray lock of hair. "And it involved my power didn't look this something a eco energy company would need..." She was whispering at this point. She threw a look behind her. The hand that had been twirling her hair was tapping on the desk now. "It looked...kinda like...

A bomb"

She gulped after.

"I think something more sinister is happening here."

Black screen.

'Next log?'

these eyes are not mine -----> septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now